Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1001-1020 of 1880
Class-F Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) Mixtures for Enhanced Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Applications
(2018-01-11)Fly ash and blast furnace slag are the two major industrial solid by-products generated in most countries including India. Although their utilization rate has increased in the recent years, still huge quantities of these ... -
Granular Media Supported Microbial Remediation of Nitrate Contaminated Drinking Water
(2018-01-11)Increasing nitrate concentration in ground water from improper disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers is deleterious to human health as ingestion of nitrate contaminated water can cause methaemoglobinemia in ... -
Fracture and Deformation in Bulk Metallic Glasses and Composites
(2018-01-11)Plastic flow in bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) localizes into narrow bands, which, in the absence of a microstructure that could obstruct them, propagate unhindered under tensile loading. In constrained deformation conditions ... -
Uncertainty Analysis of Microwave Based Rainfall Estimates over a River Basin Using TRMM Orbital Data Products
(2018-01-11)Error characteristics associated with satellite-derived precipitation products are important for atmospheric and hydrological model data assimilation, forecasting, and climate diagnostic applications. This information also ... -
Micro-Mechanisms Associated with Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum with Titanium
(2018-01-10)Out of the known aerospace metal and alloys, Aluminium (Al) and Titanium (Ti) are important due to their unique combination of properties, such as strength, ductility and corrosion resistance etc. For these reasons, welding ... -
The Effect of Mismatch of Total Knee Replacement Components with Knee Joint : A Finite Element Analysis
(2018-01-10)It has been noticed that the need for total knee replacement surgery is increasing for Asian region. A total knee replacement is a permanent surgical solution for a patient having debilitating pain in knee joint suffering ... -
Computational Studies on the Mechanics of Nanotubes and Nanocomposites
(2018-01-09)The discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1991 by Iijima revealed the possibility of ultra-strong materials exploiting the properties of materials at smaller length scales. The superior strength, stiffness, and ability ... -
Analytical and Numerical Modeling for Heat Transport in a Geothermal Reservoir due to Cold Water Injection
(2018-01-09)Geothermal energy is the energy naturally present inside the earth crust. When a large volume of hot water and steam is trapped in subsurface porous and permeable rock structure and a convective circulating current is set ... -
Ground Improvement using 3D-Cellular Confinement Systems : Experimental and Numerical Studies
(2018-01-09)The various aspects of the 3D cellular confinement systems (geocells) subjected to static loading are comprehensively studied with the help of experimental and numerical studies. The performances of the geocells were ... -
Modeling and Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
(2018-01-09)In most of the urban cities of developing countries piped water supply is intermittent and they receive water on alternate days for about few hours. The Unaccounted For Water (UFW) in these cities is very high due to aged ... -
Microstructural, Mechanical and Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Al-Zr Ternary Alloys
(2018-01-09)The thesis introduces a novel alloy system based on submicron distributions of intermetallic phases realised through eutectic solidification in the ternary system Ni-Al-Zr. Various compositions in this system comprising ... -
Design and Development of Piezoelectric Stack Actuated Trailing Edge Flap for Helicopter Vibration Reduction
(2018-01-09)This research investigates on-blade partial span active plain trailing edge flaps (TEFs)with an aim to alleviate the helicopter vibrations. Among all the available smart materials, piezoelectric stack actuator(PEA)has shown ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Geopolymers as Construction Materials
(2018-01-09)Geopolymers are a relatively new class of materials that have many broad applications, including use as substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC), use in soil stabilisation, fire resistant panels, refractory cements, ... -
Studies on Vortex Breakdown in a Closed Cylinder with a Rotating Endwall
(2018-01-09)Swirling flows abound in nature and numerous engineering applications. Under conditions which are not completely understood, the swirling cores could undergo a sudden enlargement of their vortex core, leading to a ’vortex ... -
A Design Concept of a Volumetric Solar Receiver for Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle
(2018-01-09)Recently, the supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) Brayton cycle has been identified as a promising candidate for solar-thermal energy conversion due to its potentially high thermal efficiency (50%, for turbine inlet ... -
Assessment of Leachate Characteristics and Geotechnical Properties of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
(2018-01-04)Solid Waste Management is one of the essential services provided by local bodies to keep the urban areas clean. Often it is poorly rendered as it is unscientific, out-dated and inefficient. With the rapid increase in ... -
Microstructural, Mechanical and Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Al-Zr Intermetallic Eutectic Alloys
(2018-01-04)The excellent high temperature microstructure stability, high strength, and oxidation resistance of intermetallics has for long driven the development of intermetallic based alloys. More recent studies demonstrated attractive ... -
Experimental Study of Flow Past a Circular Cylinder with a Flexible Splitter Plate
(2018-01-04)A circular cylinder is a geometrically simple bluff body that occurs in various practical applications. As with any bluff body, it exhibits large drag forces and a strong fluctuating lift force, both related to the strong ... -
Evolution of Microstructure and Texture during Severe Plastic Deformation of a Magnesium-Cerium Alloy
(2018-01-03)Magnesium alloys have poor formability at room temperature, due to a limited number of slip systems owing to the hexagonal closed packed structure of magnesium. One possibility to increase the formability of magnesium ... -
Frequency-Tuning and Dynamic Simulation of Electrostatically Actuated Beams
(2018-01-03)The resonance frequency of electrostatically actuated micromachined beams can be tuned substantially by applying a DC voltage bias, first by decreasing the frequency until the onset of pull-in and then by increasing it by ...