Division of Mechanical Sciences
Recent Submissions
Investigation of Consolidation Methods for Developing Load-bearing Structures from Lunar and Martian Regolith Simulants
Lunar and martian surfaces provide ideal candidates for establishing extra-terrestrial human settlements, given their proximity to the earth and potential for harbouring water. Significant recent research has focused on ... -
Evolution of oxide layers in heat-treated and deformed CMSX-4 superalloy in different atmospheres at 900oC
Superalloys are special class of high temperature alloys that are used for making components in gas-turbine engines, catalytic reactors which are exposed to highly corrosive atmospheres. These alloys have exceptional ... -
Studies on Fluid-Structure Interactions in Hypersonic Flow
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) represents a critical area of research in aerospace engineering, particularly in the hypersonic flows where aerodynamic and thermal loads significantly impact structural integrity and ... -
Liquefaction response of the sand reinforced with 3D printed geocells
Geocells are one of the most widely used geosynthetics, owing to their three-dimensional interconnected cellular structure that allows immediate support to heavy loads and provides high lateral confinement and wider ... -
Passive control and intermittent dynamics of the precessing vortex core oscillation in swirl flows
Swirl is used in modern gas turbine combustor nozzles to achieve reliable flame stabilization and efficient fuel-air mixing. The swirl component in the nozzle jet flow induces an axial vortex. At high swirl intensities, ... -
Impact of Groundwater Level Fluctuations on In-Situ Soil Properties using Automated Wave Detection Methods
Understanding the impact of groundwater level fluctuations on soil properties is crucial in geotechnical engineering, as it influences soil strength, stiffness, and stability. Dynamic soil properties such as Poisson's ... -
Sub-mesoscale modeling framework for woven fabrics using VAM-based geometrically-exact beam model
In this work, a novel sub-mesoscale model of woven fabrics is developed using nonlinear finite element methods. The main aim of the work is to develop a framework for modeling woven fabrics. The yarns are modeled as beam ... -
Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape and Mesh Optimization with High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
The aerodynamic shape of an aircraft plays a pivotal role in determining its overall performance. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization (ASO) involves systematically modifying the geometry to optimize the aerodynamic objective ... -
Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Hastelloy X
Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the emerging technologies to manufacture near-net-shape engineering components layer-by-layer using a suitable heat source. The rapid adoption of AM in the field of aerospace owes to ... -
Advanced Thermoplastic Laminates with Tailored Interface for Aerostructures
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates are currently used in commercial aircrafts replacing their metallic counterparts. Epoxy is used as matrix in CFRPs in the primary structures of aircrafts such as fuselage, ... -
Self-propulsion in Pitching Airfoils
Self-propelled oscillating foils are simple yet useful models that can be used to explore the physics of oscillatory bio-locomotion. In this investigation, we explore the self-propulsion characteristics of a rigid NACA0015 ... -
An investigation of the sensitivity of climate feedbacks to the latitudinal distribution of radiative forcing using the radiative kernel approach
It is well known that climate sensitivity, defined as the global mean surface temperature change per unit radiative forcing, depends on the forcing agents (such as CO2, CH4, O3, aerosols, solar radiation, land cover change, ... -
Mathematical and data-driven modelling of viral infections: Applications to HIV/AIDS and COVID-19
Remarkable advances are being made in developing interventions for eliciting longterm remission of HIV-1 infection. The success of these interventions will obviate the need for lifelong antiretroviral therapy, the current ... -
Ultrasonic Guided Wave-based Inspection of Additively Manufactured Components
Layered structural components, such as laminated composites and those made via Additive Manufacturing (AM), are widely used in aerospace and automotive industries due to their various advantages. The layer-wise approach ... -
Contact Line Instabilities in Thin Film Flows on Curved Surfaces
Thin fluid film flows are ubiquitous in nature and many industrial applications. Such flows are characterized by having the thickness in one direction being much smaller than the characteristic length scales in the ... -
Sustainability Assessment of Second Generation Biofuel Supply Chain within Circular Economy Framework
The global demand for renewable energy sources has intensified and, the second-generation ethanol has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. This study presents a comprehensive sustainability ... -
Understanding the Effect of Molecular Oxygen and Gold Substrate in the Chemistry of 2D MoS2 Growth During Chemical Vapor Deposition
Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides, such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), are emerging candidates for varied applications, including neuromorphic computing, catalysis, gas separations, and optoelectronic ... -
Inkjet-printed transistors and circuits with two-dimensional semiconductors
The escalating demand for wearables and large-area electronics has intensified the critical need for identifying novel semiconductor materials and technologies. While organic semiconductors offer flexibility and processability ... -
Mechanisms and mechanics of mixed-mode (I/II) fracture of magnesium alloys
Magnesium alloys are considered as a desirable substitute for aluminium alloys in automotive structural components due to their high strength-to-weight ratio which is crucial for improving vehicle performance and fuel ... -
Investigating controls on intraseasonal convection and the abrupt seasonal transition in the boundary layer during monsoons
As solar insolation increases in the northern hemisphere during boreal summer, it is accompanied by an abrupt change in the circulation associated with the monsoons as well as heightened intraseasonal convective activity ...