Browsing Division of Mechanical Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1885
1-D And 3-D Analysis Of Multi-Port Muffler Configurations With Emphasis On Elliptical Cylindrical Chamber
(2013-08-28)The flow-reversal elliptical cylindrical end chamber mufflers of short length are used often in the modern day automotive exhaust systems. The conventional 1-D axial plane wave theory is not able to predict their acoustical ... -
2D Compressible Viscous Flow Computations Using Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) Scheme
(Indian Institute of Science, 2007-05-07)The present work deals with the extension of Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) scheme for the Compressible Viscous flow computations. Accurate viscous flow computations require much finer grids with adequate clustering ... -
A 3D High Resolution Unstructured Viscous Flow Solver
(2011-10-11) -
A 3D Lattice Model For Fracture Of Concrete : A Multiscale Approach
(2013-09-10)It is quite well known that fracture behavior of concrete is complex and is influenced by several factors. Apart from material properties, geometric parameters influence fracture behavior and one notable phenomenon is size ... -
3D-Printing of Lunar Soil Simulant by Direct-Extrusion method.
The extrusion-based additive manufacturing (EAM) technique is recently being widely employed for the 3D printing of complex-shaped components made of ceramic powder (containing irregular-shaped particles) when it is cast ... -
Ab initio Quantum Chemical Studies on Kinetic Fractionation during the analysis of Carbonates for the Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Stable and clumped isotopic compositions of molecules and minerals carry the signatures of temperatures and other physical and chemical conditions of the time of their formation. Isotopic compositions of such precipitate ... -
Accurate and Efficient Algorithms for Star Sensor Based Micro-Satellite Attitude and Attitude Rate Estimation
(2018-04-18)This dissertation addresses novel techniques in determining gyroless micro-satellite attitude and attitude rate. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the possibility of using commercially available low cost ... -
Accurate Computational Algorithms For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
(2010-10-08)The numerics of hyperbolic conservation laws, e.g., the Euler equations of gas dynamics, shallow water equations and MHD equations, is non-trivial due to the convective terms being highly non-linear and equations being ... -
Accurate Prediction of Enhancement Factors for Water Flow Through Boron Nitride Nanotubes
Water in nanoconfined spaces, such as nanotubes, exhibit anomalous yet intriguing behaviour compared to bulk water, a better understanding of which can enable us to realize a sustainable future. Nanotubes are atomically ... -
Acoustic Source Characterization Of The Exhaust And Intake Systems Of I.C. Engines
(2010-07-15)For an engine running at a constant speed, both exhaust and intake processes are periodic in nature. This inspires the muffler designer to go for the much easier and faster frequency domain modeling. But analogous to ... -
Acquiring diagnostic knowledge from documents to predict issues in aircraft assembly
Expert knowledge is important in a product's lifecycle, especially during the manufacturing part of the lifecycle. Most of such knowledge is obtained through experience and its reuse can help prevent potential issues in ... -
Activation Of Fly Ash-Lime Reactions By Curing At Elevated Temperature And By Addition Of Phosphogypsum
(2013-06-04)Pozzolanic reactions play a key role in improving the compressive strengths of compacted fly ash-lime specimens. Based on studies performed with cement amended fly ash (FA), activation of fly ash-lime pozzolanic reactions ... -
Active Vibration Control Synthesis Using Viscoelastic Damping Phenomena
(2011-07-12)In this thesis, a new method is followed to design an active control system which imparts viscoelastic phenomenological damping in an elastic structure. Properties of a hypothetical viscoelastic system are used to design ... -
Adaptation and Characterization of Fossilized Hydrocarbon Gas Turbine Combustor for Operation with Green Fuel(s): Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Decarbonizing energy conversion systems necessitates the adaptation of conventional fossil-fuel-based systems, which have been designed and optimized over the past century for operation with fossilized hydrocarbons, to ... -
Adaptive Filtering for Large Eddy Simulation of Flows with Shocks and its Application to Launch Pad Deflectors
During lift-off of launch vehicles jets from nozzles impinge on a wedge deflector which directs the jet away from the rocket along passages. As a high Reynolds number turbulent flow the whole region has a broad spectrum ... -
Adaptive Mesh Redistribution for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
(2018-03-19)An adaptive mesh redistribution method for efficient and accurate simulation of multi dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws is developed. The algorithm consists of two coupled steps; evolution of the governing PDE ... -
Adaptive reduced order modeling of dynamical systems through novel a posteriori error estimators : Application to uncertainty quantification
Multi-query problems such as uncertainty quantification, optimization of a dynamical system require solving a governing differential equation at multiple parameter values. Therefore, for large systems, the computational ... -
Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 718 Cellular Structures
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is getting adopted in various industries like automobile, aerospace, medical, nuclear, defense, and space, amongst many others, in the last five to ten years due to the tremendous advantages of ... -
Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys for Orthopaedic applications: Processing-Microstructure-Property-Function Relationship
Metallic materials are used for osteosynthesis, and outcomes are expected to be complete healing. The latter part generally becomes unachievable when human subjects need complicated surgery. This situation generally requires ... -
Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape and Mesh Optimization with High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
The aerodynamic shape of an aircraft plays a pivotal role in determining its overall performance. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization (ASO) involves systematically modifying the geometry to optimize the aerodynamic objective ...