Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1021-1040 of 1880
Integrability Evaluation Methodology for Building Integrated Photovoltaic's (BIPV) : A Study in Indian Climatic Conditions
(2018-01-02)India’s geographical location renders it with ample solar-energy potential ranging from 4-7 kWh/m2 daily and 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours annually. The diverse nature of human settlements (scattered low-rise to dense high-rise) ... -
Shear Behaviour of Sand-geosynthetic Interfaces Based on Size And Morphology of Sand Particles and Surface Roughness of Geosynthetics
(2018-01-01)Geosynthetics are used in conjunction with soil/particulate materials to serve various functions like reinforcement, drainage, filtration and containment. The shear behavior of soil-geosynthetic interfaces hugely depends ... -
Generalized Circular and Elliptical Honeycomb Structures/Bundled Tubes : Effective Transverse Elastic Moduli
(2018-01-01)Omnipresence of heterogeneity is conspicuous in all creations of nature. Heterogeneity manifests itself in many forms at different scales, both in time and space. Engineering domain being an exotic fusion of human creativity ... -
Temporal Persistence and Spatial Coherence of Tropical Rainfall
(2018-01-01)The work presented in the thesis focuses on systematically documenting the multi scale nature of the temporal persistence and spatial coherence of tropical rainfall. There are three parts to the thesis: The first two parts ... -
Modeling and Simulation of Biomolecular Flow in Microchannel
(2018-01-01)Microfluidics deals with the behavior, control and manipulation of fluids which are confined at micrometer length scale. It has important application in lab-on-a chip technology, micro-propulsion, additive manufacturing, ... -
A Method to Derive an Aerosol Composition from Downward Solar Spectral Fluxes at the Surface
(2018-01-01)Aerosol properties are highly variable in space and time which makes the aerosol study more complex. The sources and production mechanism of aerosols decide the properties of the aerosols. Aerosol radiative forcing is ... -
Mechanics of Drilling in Porous Brittle Solids
(2018-01-01)This thesis presents a detailed experimental programme on understanding the mechanics of drilling in porous brittle solids. Gypsum was used as a model material for this experimental study, in which the mechanics of drilling ... -
Studies on The Transport Rates of Heavy Metals in the Design of Liner Thickness and Remediation of Soils
(2018-01-01)The enormous rate of increase in waste generation across the world is a serious threat to the future generation, if not handled properly, due to the creation of health hazards and global warming. This was awakened many ... -
Experimental Studies on Shock-Shock Interactions in Hypersonic Shock Tunnels
(2017-12-16)Shock-shock interactions are among the most basic gas-dynamic problem, and are almost unavoidable in any high speed light, where shock waves generating from different sources crosses each other paths. These interactions ... -
Guidance Laws for Engagement Time Control
(2017-12-16)Autonomous aerial vehicles like missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have attracted various military and civilian applications. The primary guidance objective of any autonomous vehicle is to reach the desired ... -
Robust Finite Element Strategies for Structures, Acoustics, Electromagnetics and Magneto-hydrodynamics
(2017-12-13)The finite element method (FEM) is a widely-used numerical tool in the fields of structural dynamics, acoustics and electromagnetics. In this work, our goal is to develop robust FEM strategies for solving problems in the ... -
Wave Transmission Characteristics in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures using the Spectral Finite Element Method
(2017-12-12)Wave propagation is a phenomenon resulting from high transient loadings where the duration of the load is in µ seconds range. In aerospace and space craft industries it is important to gain knowledge about the high frequency ... -
Delamination Modeling and Detection in Composite Structures
(2017-12-12)Composite laminated structures are prone to delamination. Rotorcraft flexbeams, apart from many other aerospace primary load carrying members are made up of composite laminated structures. A delaminated primary load carrying ... -
Study of Non-Equilibrium Flow Behind Normal Shock
(2017-12-10)Normal shock problems in high enthalpy flows are of special interests to aerodynamicists and fluid dynamicists. When the shock Mach number become hypersonic and increasing further, the gas passing through the shock is ... -
Turbulence in Soft Walled Micro Channels
(2017-12-07)In comparison to the flow in a rigid channel, there is a multi-fold reduction in the transition Reynolds number for the flow in a micro channel when one of the walls is made sufficiently soft, due to a dynamical instability ... -
A Numerical Implementation of an Artery Model Using Hybrid Fem
(2017-12-07)The goal of this thesis is to develop a hybrid _nite element formulation to carry out stress analysis of arteries. To the best of our knowledge, a hybrid _nite element impel mentation of the Holzapfel-Ogden artery model ... -
Factors Controlling the Dispersivity of Soils and the Role of Zeta Potential
(2017-12-07)Most soil particles loses cohesion and split up the soil mass into individual soil grains when they come in contact with water and get saturated. In dispersive soils the particles detach more spontaneously from each other ... -
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Damage Detection and Failure Analysis of Transmission Towers and Tower like Structures
(2017-12-07)The transmission line (TL) tower is an important component in electrical network system. These towers consist of members (angle sections) and connections (bolted connections) plus foundation, which act together to resist ... -
A Geometric Approach for Discrete and Statistical Reach Analysis for a DHM with Mutable Supports
(2017-12-05)Conventional ergonomics analysis involves building physical mockups and conducting simulated operations, such that the constraints experienced by the human subjects can be directly observed. The limitations of this approach ... -
Stall Flutter of a Cascade of Blades at Low Reynolds Number
(2017-12-05)Due to the requirements for high blade loading, modern turbo‐machine blades operate very close to the stall regime. This can lead to flow separation with periodic shedding of vortices, which could lead to self induced ...