Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 981-1000 of 1880
Methods on Probabilistic Structural Vibration using Stochastic Finite Element Framework
(2018-02-07)Analysis of vibration of systems with uncertainty in material properties under the influence of a random forcing function is an active area of research. Especially the characterization based on mode shapes and frequencies ... -
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Spray in Crossflow
(2018-02-06)The phenomenon of spray in crossflow is of relevance in gas turbine combustor development. The current work focuses on spray in crossflow rather than liquid jet in crossflow from the standpoint of enhancing fuel dispersion ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Electroactive Polymers for Metal Ion Sensing
(2018-02-06)Metal ion contamination in surface and ground water is a major threat as it has a direct implication on the health of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. Lead (Pb2+), mercury (Hg2+), cadmium (Cd2+), nickel (Ni2+), ... -
Nano Porous Alumina Based Composite Coating for Tribological Applications
(2018-02-06)Anodisation is a surface treatment process, commonly used to form a protective oxide coating on the surface of metals like aluminium. Anodised coatings, being grown out of the base metal have excellent interface strength ... -
Ultrasonic Guided Wave Based Models, Devices and Methods for Integrated Structural Health Monitoring
(2018-01-31)Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems for future structures and vehicles would involve a process of damage identification and prediction of certain quantities of interest that concerns the function and safety. This ... -
Performance Evaluation of Public Bus Transport Operations in Karnataka by using Non-parametric and Multivariate Analysis
(2018-01-31)Indian cities rely predominantly on buses for public transport. The issues of performance measurement and efficiency analyses for the bus company have been gaining significance due to severe operating conditions and financial ... -
Turbulence Modeling for Predicting Flow Separation in Rocket Nozzles
(2018-01-30)Convergent-Divergent (C-D) nozzles are used in rocket engines to produce thrust as a reaction to the acceleration of hot combustion chamber gases in the opposite direction. To maximize the engine performance at high ... -
Fracture Behaviour including Size Effect of Cement Stabilised Rammed Earth
(2018-01-30)Rammed earth is a monolithic construction formed by compacting processed soil in progressive layers. Rammed earth is used for the construction of load bearing walls, floors, sub base material in roadways, airport runways, ... -
Repair and Retrofit Strategies for Structural Concrete against Thermo-Mechanical Loadings
(2018-01-29)Reinforced cement concrete (RCC) structures have become an important aspect in most of the buildings in our society around the world. Most of the multistoried reinforced concrete buildings house important institutions such ... -
Studies on Glass Fiber-Reinforced Composites for CAE-Driven Design of Impact Safety Countermeasures
(2018-01-29)Man-made materials such as fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) can be tailored for optimum performance in product design applications in terms of strength and weight. The current work is aimed at studying the behaviors of ... -
Tectonic Evolution of Central Madurai Block, Southern India and Potential Heat Source for High-Temperature Metamorphism
(2018-01-29)The Madurai Block is the largest granulite block in Southern Granulite Terrain which lies between Palghat-Cauvary shear zone in the North and Achankovil shear zone in the South. This terrain underwent extreme crustal ... -
Impacts of Climate Change on IDF Relationships for Design of Urban Stormwater Systems
(2018-01-29)Increasing global mean temperature or global warming has the potential to affect the hydrologic cycle. In the 21st century, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alterations in the frequency ... -
Therapeutic Applications of Biodegradable Chitosan Based Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules
(2018-01-18)The past few years have witnessed significant work being directed towards drug delivery systems with layer-by layer (LbL) technique prominently featured as one of the most sought after approach. However, majority of the ... -
First-Principles Studies of Point Defects and Phase Transformations in Materials
(2018-01-18)The functional and mechanical properties of a material are often determined by the defects in them. A thorough understanding of the relationship between the defects and the properties allows for tailoring a material’s ... -
Engineering the N-Glycosylation Pathway in Pichia Pastoris for the Expression of Glycoprotein Hormones
(2018-01-15)Proteins, participating in a myriad of biological function, are at the core of all cellular activities occurring within living organisms. Therapeutic proteins, hence constitute a major part of the pharmaceutical industry. ... -
Shock Wave-boundary Layer Interaction in Supersonic Flow over Compression Ramp and Forward-Facing Step
(2018-01-12)Shock wave-boundary layer interactions (SWBLIs) have been studied ex-tensively due to their practical importance in the design of high speed ve-hicles. These interactions, especially the ones leading to shock induced ... -
Continuum Modeling Of Adhesive Interaction Based On Interatomic Potentials
(2018-01-12)Adhesion between solid bodies plays a prominent role in a wide variety of situations ranging from tribological applications to dust coagulation initiating the formation of planets. It can be due to various reasons like ... -
Shaking Table Tests to Study the Influence of Ground Motion, Soil and Site Parameters on the Initiation of Liquefaction in Sands
(2018-01-12)Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soil loses a large percentage of its shear resistance due to increased pore water pressure and flows like a liquid. Undrained cyclic loading conditions during earthquakes cause ... -
Generation, Characterization and Control of Nanoscale Surface Roughness
(2018-01-11)Surface roughness exists at many length scales-from atomic dimensions to meters. At sub-micron scale, the distribution of roughness is largely dependent on the process that generates the surface through the mechanisms of ... -
Studies on the Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth and Damage in Concrete : A Thermodynamic Approach
(2018-01-11)Fatigue in concrete is a complex phenomenon involving formation of microcracks, their coalescence into major crack and simultaneous formation of the fracture process zone ahead of the crack tip. Complex phenomena are best ...