Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 961-980 of 1880
Expermental and Modeling Studies on the Generation of Hydrogen Rich Syngas through Oxy-Steam Gasification of Biomass
(2018-02-20)The present work focuses on the study of biomass gasification process for generating hydrogen rich synthetic gas with oxy-steam as reactants using experiments and modeling studies. Utilization of the syngas as a fuel in ... -
Uncertainty Based Damage Identification and Prediction of Long-Time Deformation in Concrete Structures
(2018-02-20)Uncertainties are present in the inverse analysis of damage identification with respect to the given measurements, mainly the modelling uncertainties and the measurement uncertainties. Modelling uncertainties occur due to ... -
CO2 Ventilation, Hydrological Cycle over Southern Ocean and Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Biogenic Carbonates
(2018-02-20)The thesis presents observations on the CO2 concentration and carbon isotopes in air CO2 (δ13C) to constrain the inter-annual variability of carbon inventory over the Southern Ocean between the years 2011-2013. Based on ... -
Inactivation of Microorganisms by Photocatalysis
(2018-02-20)Photocatalysis is an advanced oxidation process, which has shown to possess an enhanced capability to remove a wide range of contaminants. It involves the use of a semiconductor photocatalyst and a photon source. Photocatalysis ... -
Feature-based Approach for Semantic Interoperability of Shape Models
(2018-02-20)Semantic interoperability (SI) of a product model refers to automatic exchange of meaning associated with the product data, among applications/domains throughout the product development cycle. In the product development ... -
Inverse Problems in Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating and Non-Rotating Beams and its Application to Random Eigenvalue Characterization
(2018-02-19)Rotating and non-rotating beams are widely used to model important engineering struc-tures. Hence, the vibration analyses of these beams are an important problem from a structural dynamics point of view. Depending on the ... -
Non-Dimensional Kinetoelastic Maps for Nonlinear Behavior of Compliant Suspensions
(2018-02-18)Compliant suspensions are often used in micromechanical devices and precision mechanisms as substitutes for kinematic joints. While their small-displacement behavior is easily captured in simple formulae, large-displacement ... -
On Three Dimensional High Lift Flow Computations
(2018-02-18)Computing 3D high lift flows has been a challenge to the CFD community because of three important reasons: complex physics, complex geometries and large computational requirements. In the recent years, considerable progress ... -
A Study of the Characteristics of Gas-On-Liquid Impinging Injectors
(2018-02-18)The work presented here pertains to investigations on gas-on-liquid type of impinging injectors with a generic approach with prospective applications in several areas, and at places with particular emphasis on cryogenic ... -
Studies on the Design of Novel MEMS Microphones
(2018-02-17)MEMS microphones have been a research topic for the last two and half decades. The state-of-the-art comprises surface mount MEMS microphones in laptops, mobile phones and tablets, etc. The popularity and the commercial ... -
Flutter Susceptibility Assessment of Airplanes in Sub-critical Regime using Ameliorated Flutter Margin and Neural Network Based Methods
(2018-02-17)As flight flutter testing on an airplane progresses to high dynamic pressures and high Mach number region, it becomes very difficult for engineers to predict the level of the remaining stability in a flutter-prone mode and ... -
Studies on Bioremediation of Cr (VI) using Indigenous Bacterial Strains Isolated from a Chromite Mine
(2018-02-16)Heavy metals are released into the environment either by natural processes or by anthropogenic activities. Industries such as leather tanning, textiles, metallurgical, electroplating and mining activities discharge the ... -
Semiotic Studies on Holistic Order in Product Design
(2018-02-16)‘Holistic Order’ is a new term used in this study. In literature, its synonyms such as beauty, order, visual order, and aesthetic order have been in usage for a long time. Historical studies on arts & crafts from philosophical ... -
Molecular Simulation of Anisotropic Stress and Structure in polymers
(2018-02-15)This dissertation presents a numerical study using molecular dynamic simulations that interrogates the polymer structure as it is strained continuously in time and correlates it with the stress developed in it. We investigate ... -
Microgravity Flow Transients in the Context of On-Board Propellant Gauging
(2018-02-15)It is well known that surface tension of a liquid has a decisive role in flow dynamics and the eventual equilibrium state, especially in confined flows under low gravity conditions and also in free surface flows. One such ... -
Cyclic Pursuit : Variants and Applications
(2018-02-11)The classical n-bugs problem has attracted considerable attention from researchers. This problem stems from the study of movement of a group of animals. In the context of multi- agent systems the problem has been modelled ... -
Seismic Hazard Assessment of Tripura and Mizoram States along with Microzonation of Agartala and Aizawl Cities
(2018-02-10)Tee present research focuses on seismic hazard studies for the states of Tripura and Mizoram in the North-East India with taking into account the complex sesismotectonic characteristics of the region. This area is more ... -
Prediction of Physical Behavior of Rotating Blades under Tip-Rub Impact using Numerical Modeling
(2018-02-09)Rotating blades, which are the most critical components of any turbo-machinery, need to be designed to withstand forced vibrations due to accidental tip rub impact against inner surface of casing. These vibrations are ... -
Theoretical Studies of the Mechanisms of the Entry of Virus into Cells
(2018-02-09)Viruses cause human diseases by entering in to human cells. Many drugs have been developed that act at various stages of viral infection, but they fail due to their toxic side effects and high mutation rates of viruses. ... -
Estimation of Root Zone Soil Hydraulic Properties by Inversion of a Crop Model using Ground or Microwave Remote Sensing Observations
(2018-02-09)Good estimates of soil hydraulic parameters and their distribution in a catchment is essential for crop and hydrological models. Measurements of soil properties by experimental methods are expensive and often time consuming, ...