Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 481-500 of 1878
Non-classical continuum models for solids using peridynamics and gauge theory
This thesis focuses on three areas of nonclassical continuum mechanics of solids. In the first part, we develop a few peridynamics (PD) models and solution strategies for discretized PD equations in the context of the ... -
Multi-Scale Modeling of Moist Convection Over India
Clouds exist on all scales from turbulent processes to global scale and are organized on all the scales in between. They truly are multi-scale in nature. This makes them a very challenging simulation problem for atmospheric ... -
Mechanical Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Nickel-based Superalloy Su 247LC DS at Elevated Temperature
Directionally solidified Nickel-based superalloys are the workhorse for the Jet Engine turbine rotor blades and nozzle guide vanes (NGV) applications. Su 247LC DS is the material used for turbine rotor blades and NGVs of ... -
Studies on alkali activated compressed earth bricks for structural masonry
Earth based construction materials are acknowledged as low carbon and low embodied energy materials. The investigations dealt in the thesis were mainly focused on exploring the geopolymer and lime-ground slag binders for ... -
A framework for optimizing immunotherapy for long-term control of HIV
HIV infects around 1 million people every year. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is used to suppress viral replication and control disease progression but it cannot eradicate the virus. ART is therefore lifelong. Today, e ... -
Trends and Variability in Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Stocks over India in the 20th and 21st centuries: A Multi-model Based Assessment
Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle by naturally taking up carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and storing this carbon as biomass and soil carbon. There exists a strong, ... -
Studies on the Mechanisms of Fracture, Evolution of Microcracks and Size Effect in Concrete through Acoustic Emission Analysis
The mechanics of fracture evolution in heterogeneous material like concrete is a distinct and complex phenomenon and still stands as an open problem after decades of research. A cluster of multi-scale cracks ahead of the ... -
Advanced Guidance Laws for Field-of-View and Impact Angle Constrained Engagements
This thesis deals with the development of guidance laws for interceptors with seeker field-of-view (FOV) and impact angle constraints. Two classes of guidance problems, namely, field-of- view and impact angle constrained ... -
Rheological Studies on Slow Flow in Dense Granular Ensembles
An experimental study on the rheology and kinematics of dense granular materials is presented in this thesis in the slow flow regime. In this study, we employ an often used experimental set up of the cylindrical Couette ... -
Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Actuators for Insect Scale Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle
Flapping wing micro air vehicles (MAV) have broad applications such as exploration in hazardous environment, reconnaissance, search and rescue. Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) have emerged as a promising material ... -
Experimental studies on the fracture and fatigue failure processes under direct tension in quasi-brittle materials - Graphite and Concrete
Abstract Fatigue phenomenon is a gradual, permanent, micro structural change that takes place in a material due to the application of repeated loading. In the case of quasi-brittle materials like graphite and concrete, ... -
Experimental Studies on Methanol Sprays for IC Engine Applications
In this work, studies have been conducted on sprays of methanol and its emulsions with diesel towards assessing the potential of methanol as an alternative fuel for IC engines. Methanol can be used in compression ignition ... -
Factors Influencing Contaminant Transport in Vadose Zone of Near Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
Radioactive waste is generally classified as low and intermediate level waste (LILW) and high-level waste (HLW), based on their level of radioactivity and the time taken for decay. The low and intermediate level ... -
Flutter Identification and Aeroelastic Stability during Wake Penetration
Demonstration of utter stability over the design envelope and identi fication of safe ight envelope is a prerequisite for operational clearance of any new aircraft design. An important step involved in flight flutter ... -
Tufting of carbon fibre/epoxy composites for improved damage tolerance
Laminated composite structures are susceptible to delamination and debonding during their service life due to their poor out-of-plane interlamellar properties. Such damage can occur either during manufacturing or during ... -
Investigations on Impinging Shock Wave and Boundary Layer Interactions in Hypersonic Flow
Shock boundary layer interactions (SBLIs) rank among the most fundamental problems in high-speed aerodynamics and are a primary concern in hypersonic flows. Shocks at hypersonic speeds are typically strong enough to separate ... -
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Low Emission Syngas Combustion
The present study concerns experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion of low-calorific value syngas in an optically accessible reverse flow combustion chamber. Several modes of operation are investigated ... -
A phenomenological one-dimensional model for elastic ribbons
Ribbons exhibit fascinating buckling-dominated behavior under mechanical loading because of a unique combination of geometric dimensions. The recent interest in examining engineering applications of ribbon-like structures ... -
Interference Effect of Closely Spaced Square Footings on Geocell Reinforced Sand and Clay Beds: Experimental and Numerical Studies
With rapid growth of construction rate and lack of suitable land sites for construction, placing building foundations close to each other and on soft-grounds is inevitable. When the foundations are placed close enough on ... -
Numerical and experimental investigation of Process-Structure-Property relationship in Organic Photovoltaics
Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) are considered to be potential contenders amongst the third-generation solar technologies. The primary reason for their popularity has been the possibility of applying various cost-effective ...