Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 1878
Polymer-based investigations into the surface chemistry of some sulphide minerals and the beneficiation of a low grade siliceous copper ore
Tanzania is endowed with rich mineral deposits containing gold, tanzanite, diamond, coal, uranium, iron ore, gemstones with low grade of the sulphide minerals namely chalcopyrite and pyrite. It is the third largest producer ... -
Experimental and numerical study of sink flow turbulent boundary layers
Sink flow turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) develop in the incompressible flow be- tween two convergent, plane smooth walls and represent a family of favorable pres- sure gradient TBLs. These are the only smooth wall TBLs ... -
Adaptive Filtering for Large Eddy Simulation of Flows with Shocks and its Application to Launch Pad Deflectors
During lift-off of launch vehicles jets from nozzles impinge on a wedge deflector which directs the jet away from the rocket along passages. As a high Reynolds number turbulent flow the whole region has a broad spectrum ... -
Structural dynamic testing for seismic response simulation and time variant reliability estimation
The research work reported in this thesis addresses a few problems which arise in the context of experimental dynamic testing of engineering structures under earthquake loads. Firstly, we consider the problem of characterizing ... -
Global and combined global-local response sensitivity analyses of uncertain structures based on model distance measures
The work reported in this thesis is in the area of global response sensitivity analysis (GRSA) of engineering systems in which the uncertainties associated with external actions and/or system parameters need to be explicitly ... -
Propagation characteristics in elastic waveguide with discrete nonlinearity
Wave propagation in elastic continuum is a subject of interest in many fields of engineering and has been explored for several decades from theoretical, computational and experimental perspective. In this context, a ... -
Syngas Production by Methane Reforming and H2 Purification by CO Abatement over Transition Metal-Substituted Reducible Oxides
Methane and carbon dioxide are two major greenhouse gases, with CH4 having higher potency towards global warming. Several methods have been explored for transforming CH4 into higher value products, of which syngas production ... -
Jet Injection into Supersonic Crossflow: Flowfield and Mixing studies
Supersonic air-breathing engines or scramjets are perhaps the most important technological hurdles towards the development of hypersonic transportation vehicles for both easy access to space and for missile related ... -
Experimental studies on Soot and Particulate reduction in Heavy Fuel Oil Combustion
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is extensively used in industrial burners and marine engines. HFO droplet combustion gives rise to carbon particulates generated by pyrolysis, which are called cenospheres. There is a current hypothesis ... -
An Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Framework to Incorporate the Influence of Travel Time Variability on Truck Route Choice
Route choice models (or path choice models) are useful for quantifying travellers’ preferences for or sensitivity to route attributes, predicting network-level traffic flows, examining the influence of information provided ... -
Study of Solvent Induced Crystal Polymorphism via Molecular Simulations of Crystal Nucleation
The ability of a compound to exist in different crystal structures is called crystal polymorphism and such crystals of varied spatial arrangement are called polymorphs. The polymorphic forms can differ in their properties ... -
Kinematic Design and Optimal Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators Using Monte Carlo Method
Parallel manipulators are widely used for a variety of tasks where increased accuracy and large load carrying capacities are required. In this work, we propose a Monte Carlo based method to represent and quantify the ... -
Shock Dynamics due to Downstream Pressure Perturbations: Idealization of Transonic Unstarted Cascade Flutter
Shock wave unsteadiness is an important phenomenon in high-speed aerodynamics. This phenomenon is observed in many locations of high-speed vehicles, such as supersonic inlets, ramjet engines, transonic airfoils, high-speed ... -
Experimental Investigation of Fuel Drop Impact on Unheated and Heated Solid
The modelling of spray-wall interaction encountered in engine combustors relies heavily on studies of single drop impact on heated solid surfaces. In the present thesis, the impact of a single fuel drop on a hot, smooth ... -
Modelling Hydrology of Upper Cauvery Basin Considering Changes in Climate and Landuse/Landcover
In the recent times, changes are noted in hydrological processes (e.g., surface runoff, lateral flow, infiltration, return flow, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and streamflow) in different river basins of the world due ... -
A geochemical, Nd-Sr, and stable Ca isotopic study of siliciclastic and chemical sedimentary rocks, volcanic tuffs, and authigenic glauconites from Proterozoic sedimentary basins of India
The Archean-Proterozoic transition is marked by globally synchronous changes in tectonothermal and climatic patterns along with development of widespread epicontinental seas, with extensive shelf-sedimentation. The Indian ... -
Physical controls of chlorophyll distribution in the North Indian Ocean
The north Indian Ocean is one of the highly productive regions among the tropical oceans. Being a prominent monsoon regime, the basin exists as a highly dynamic region charac- terised by intense mixing and upwelling and ... -
Development of Seismic Design Spectra For Shallow and Deep Soil Sites Considering Region Specific Parameters
Earthquakes are among the deadliest in all the natural disasters and have affected many people in the last few decades. The efforts to reduce or mitigate the impact of earthquakes have become increasingly focused upon ... -
Fabrication and Characterization of Optomechanical Devices
Silicon photonics is a promising platform for photonic devices and circuits, largely driven by advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processing technology. An extremely crucial component for a photonic ... -
Analysis of Kinematic Constraints in Fixed-Wing UAV Formation Flying
Rise in autonomy has led to increase in usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for various applications and has allowed the UAVs to perform complex and hazardous missions with ease. Formation of multiple UAVs finds ...