Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 1878
Bubble and conical forms of vortex breakdown in swirling jets
The present study focusses on vortex breakdown (VB), which occurs in axially convected swirling flows and is characterized by the development of an internal stagnation point and regions of reverse flow. VB has been ... -
Mass Transport in Cu-Interlayer-Si Systems under Various Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Excursions
This work falls in general area of the electro-thermo-mechanical driven mass transport in Cu-Si systems, which often finds relevance while accessing reliability issues pertaining to thin film interconnects in microelectronic ... -
An Approach Towards Inactivation of Susceptible and Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Contamination using Novel Photo–(electro)-catalysts
Water in most rivers in India does not meet the standards for drinking and even for bathing purposes due to the high concentration of coliforms, organic and inorganic contaminants. Overuse, uncontrolled release and careless ... -
Study of Phase Equilibria and Interfacial Properties of Systems Containing Clathrate Hydrates Using Molecular Simulations
Gas hydrates, also known as clathrate hydrates are nonstoichiometric and crystalline solids composed of water and gas molecules. If the gas molecules are natural gas components, such as methane, ethane, propane, etc., ... -
Methodologies for Risk Assessment of Landslides Induced by Rainfall and Earthquake
Landslide is one of the greatest natural catastrophes and poses a major threat to lives and property worldwide. As development expands into unstable hill areas under the pressure of increasing population and urbanisation, ... -
Studies on Flow Dynamics and Spray Swirl Interactions in Gas Turbine Combustor
Coupling of spray with the coherent structures of a highly turbulent flow has been a long-standing problem especially in the context of liquid fuel delivery systems in gas turbine combustors. The atomizer in a gas turbine ... -
Development of the Combined Methodology to Understand Designers’ Experimentation and GO-NO-GO Decision-Making during New Product Design and Development
New Product Development (NPD) is the most important activity, which is recognized as the growth engine for product centric organizations to sustain, prosper, and accumulate stakes in the market. Development of new products ... -
Lanthanide Photoluminescence: A Tool for Analyzing Local Heterogeneity in Ferroelectrics and Scope for High Performance Optical Thermometry
Rare-earth doped phosphors are fascinating both from scientific and technological standpoints because of the great scope it offers for spectral tuning, enabling a large variety of applications: from simple road markers to ... -
Interaction Design and Distraction Detection of Drivers in Automobiles
In recent times, usage of electronic devices inside cars while driving has increased due to the introduction of new technologies to keep drivers comfortable and entertained. Systems like satnav ease out the navigation by ... -
Development of Tubular Solar Receiver with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid
Over the past decade, solar powered supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) based Brayton cycle has been identified as a promising candidate due to its potentially high cycle efficiency (50%, for turbine inlet temperatures ... -
Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles in Clayey Soils with Sloping Ground
In the present study, a small scale 1-g model test has been developed in the laboratory to study the behaviour of a long flexible single pile embedded in a slope of soft clay with different slope angles and L/D ratios, and ... -
Understanding the demixing behavior and structure-property correlation in graphene oxide containing LCST blends
A number of researchers have studied about the effects of different nanoparticles on the phase separation of LCST polymer blend systems. Many nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes and silica have been incorporated in ... -
Continuum Analysis of Cavitation Induced Failure and Tensile Deformation Response of Metallic Glasses & Nanoglasses
Metallic glasses (MGs), which are metals solidified in an amorphous state, have shown attractive mechanical properties such as high strength (up to 5 GPa), yield strain (around 2%) and good corrosion resistance. They ... -
Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols on Free-Space Optical Communication Systems
Free–space optical (FSO) communication is a wireless technology with an unguided laser signal carrying a large volume of data through the atmosphere. Numerous advantages such as higher bandwidth, high security, easy ... -
Optimization of parameters in SiC production via Acheson Process – a hot model study
Silicon carbide (SiC) is produced industrially in a heat resistance furnace using quartz (silica) and raw petroleum coke (RPC) as the raw material. In this process, commonly known as the Acheson Process, a large current ... -
Bearings-Only Information Based Guidance Law for Trajectory Shaping Applications
Munitions like projectiles and artillery mortars follow ballistic trajectory to hit the target. However, unguided munitions may miss the target due to external disturbances or errors in aerodynamic modeling. A guided ... -
Vibration mitigation in spacecraft components using Stewart platform and particle impact damping
A spacecraft encounters two regimes of vibrations: launch loads and on-orbit loads. Both these loads propagate through the spacecraft structure, which is primarily made up of honeycomb sandwich. The launch loads that are ... -
Analysis and Modelling of Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle System with Scroll Expander
In recent years, the growing concern about pollution from fossil fuels has resulted in an increased effort for utilization of low-grade heat sources such as industrial waste heat, solar energy and other renewable sources. ... -
Explicit Filtering LES for turbulent premixed flames
Large eddy simulations of a premixed, turbulent, methane-air round jet flame at an equivalence ratio of 0.8 and unburnt gas temperature of 800 K are performed using Explicit Filtering LES (EFLES) method. The nominal inflow ... -
Evolution of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings formed on AM50 Mg alloy utilizing various alkaline electrolytes with and without glycerol additive and its corrosion behavior
The widespread application for Mg and its alloys are severely restricted mainly due to its relatively low strength and ductility and poor corrosion behaviour, particularly in the aqueous environment. The plasma electrolytic ...