Flow and structure of dense granular materials
Granular materials are frequently encountered in our daily lives and are widely processed forms
of matter in various industries. Despite decades of research, the mechanical behavior of
granular materials is not well understood. This thesis focuses on two problems in granular
materials, flow in a cylindrical Couette geometry, and emergence of the force network.
Recent experiments on granular materials sheared in a cylindrical Couette device revealed a
puzzling anomaly, wherein all components of the stress rise nearly exponentially with depth.
In this thesis, using particle dynamics simulations and imaging experiments, we show that the
stress anomaly arises from a remarkable vortex flow. For the entire range of fill heights
explored, we find a single toroidal vortex that spans the entire Couette cell, and whose sense is
opposite to the uppermost Taylor vortex in a fluid. In addition, we show that the vortex is
driven by a combination of shear-induced dilation, a phenomenon that has no analogue in fluids
and gravity flow. We also find that the secondary flow exhibits interesting features like dual
vortices in flow conditions where the inertia of grains is relevant. Dilation is a well-known
characteristic of a flowing granular medium, but not adequately represented in existing models.
This thesis makes a case for properly incorporating cross-streamline dilation in constitutive
In the second part of this thesis, we focus on force transmission in amorphous materials. Force
transmission in amorphous materials like grains, suspensions, emulsions, and foams is
primarily characterised by a complex network of inter-particle contact forces called the force
network. Important transport and mechanical properties of these forms of matter have been
experimentally shown to be associated with the underlying force network. The origin and
features of the force network has remained elusive. By defining connectivity in particle
packings based on linearity of particle contacts, we show the existence of a criticality. The
paths with critical linearity are shown to be mechanically important and constitute the strong
force network observed in experiments. The origin of this criticality is shown to be a feature
that emerges out of geometric constraints inherent to particle packings. We explain how this
critical feature helps us understand particulate matter better, like the stress dip in granular piles
and Janssen effect in silos. With a simple path linearity dependent random walk model, we
provide insights about force transmission in amorphous materials.