Browsing Chemical Engineering (CE) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 142
Accurate Prediction of Enhancement Factors for Water Flow Through Boron Nitride Nanotubes
Water in nanoconfined spaces, such as nanotubes, exhibit anomalous yet intriguing behaviour compared to bulk water, a better understanding of which can enable us to realize a sustainable future. Nanotubes are atomically ... -
Advancements in Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow Assay
In recent decades, the demand for rapid and precise nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) has grown significantly, driven by the need to address pandemics like COVID-19 and diagnose infectious diseases such as ... -
Alternative Mechanisms for Size Control in Synthesis of Nanoparticles - Population Balance Modelling and Experimental Studies
(2018-04-06)The extensive growth of nanotechnology has necessitated the development of economical and robust methods for large scale production of nanomaterials. It requires detailed quantitative understanding of lab-scale processes ... -
Analysis Of Dense Sheared Granular Flows
(2011-01-27)A granular material is a collection of discrete, solid particles of macroscopic size dispersed in an interstitial fluid, in which the fluid has an insignificant effect on the particle dynamics. Because they exhibit fascinating ... -
Analysis Of Microwave Thawing
(2012-04-30) -
Analysis Of Protein Purification By Affinity Chromatography
(2012-11-08) -
Analysis of the Flow of Granular Materials through a Screw Conveyor
Screw conveyors are widely employed in industry for the bulk transport of particulate materials. Several studies have attempted to correlate the discharge rate with the rotation speed of the screw via experiments and ... -
An Application Of Cybernetic Principles To The Modeling And Optimization Of Bioreactors
(2017-07-10)The word cybernetics has its roots in the Greek word \kybernetes" or \steers-man" and was coined by Norbert Wiener in 1948 to describe \the science of control and communication, in the animal and the machine". The discipline ... -
An Approach Towards Inactivation of Susceptible and Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Contamination using Novel Photo–(electro)-catalysts
Water in most rivers in India does not meet the standards for drinking and even for bathing purposes due to the high concentration of coliforms, organic and inorganic contaminants. Overuse, uncontrolled release and careless ... -
Aqueous Phase Oxidation Of Sulfur Dioxide In Stirred Slurry Reactors
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-07-18)Air pollution by sulfur dioxide is of great concern due to its harmful effects on environment, human beings, fauna and flora. Fossil-fuel-fired power plants are one of the major sources of SO2 emissions. Typically the ... -
Biobeneficiation Of Bauxite Using Aspergillus Niger
(2012-12-12) -
Characterisation and Analysis of a Vibro-fluidised Granular Material
(Indian Institute of Science, 2006-12-12)The present work is concerned with the mathematical modelling of a bed of granular material in a gravitational field vertically fluidised by a vibrating surface. The particles are in rapid motion, and lose energy by inelastic ... -
Chemorhelogical Modeling Of Amine-Cured Multifunctional Epoxy Resin Systems Used As Matrices In Aerospace Composites
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-07-13)High performance multifunctional epoxy resin systems are becoming increasingly important as matrix materials for the advanced composites used in aerospace, electronics, automotive and other industries. In a composite based ... -
Computational Approaches to Engineering Antibody Responses to HIV
Efforts are underway to devise interventions that would control HIV infection without the need for lifelong antiretroviral therapy. A key strategy involves the elicitation of endogenous antibodies that can neutralise diverse ... -
Computational Study Of Long Chain N-alkane Binary Mixture Adsorption In Silicalite Under Conditions Of High Loading
(2017-05-21)The study of adsorption of n-alkanes in zeolite pores represents both a fundamental problem in molecular thermodynamics and also a problem with substantial industrial importance. Until mid 19th century, adsorption was ... -
Computational study of membrane driven secondary structural changes in proteins
Conformational changes in proteins, the most abundant biomolecule found in all living organisms, are ubiquitous and triggered by several factors essential for protein function. Protein conformational changes typically occur ... -
Computational Study of Stokesian Suspensions using Particle Mesh Ewald Summation
(2018-07-18)We consider fast computation methods for simulation of dynamics of a collection of particles dispersed in an unbounded Stokesian suspension. Stokesian suspensions are of great practical interest in the manufacturing and ... -
Concentration Gradient Driven Natural Convection in Soluble Lead Redox Flow Batteries
Low cost and long cycle-life energy storage systems are needed to harness renewable sources of energy at large scale. Among the options available, redox ow batteries (RFB) offer the maximum potential. The vanadium based ... -
Confinement, Coarsening And Nonequilibrium Fluctuations In Glassy And Yielding Systems
(2016-02-17)One of the most important and interesting unsolved problems of science is the nature of glassy dynamics and the glass transition. It is quite an old problem, and starting from the early20th century there have been many ... -
Crystal Nucleation in Binary Hard Sphere Mixtures
(2018-03-06)Homogeneous crystal nucleation in binary hard sphere mixtures is an active area of research for last two decades. Although Classical nucleation theory (CNT) gives a qualitative picture, it fails at high super saturations ...