Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 1878
Control of shock-induced vortex breakdown in Transonic regime on a slender delta wing body configuration using blowing
Modern high speed aircrafts feature highly swept and low aspect ratio wings, mainly to increase the critical Mach number and reduce the wave drag. A special case of swept wings is wings with triangular planform commonly ... -
Fuel Drop Splashing on Heated Solid Surfaces
Droplet-wall interactions on heated surfaces are significantly encountered in applications such as fuel spray impingement in combustors and spray cooling. The present thesis is focused on the splashing of fuel drops on ... -
Electrochemical Behavior of Metallic Coatings Containing Carbonaceous Additives
Coatings have been traditionally used for protection against corrosion. Therefore, substantial efforts have been focused on engineering the microstructure and morphology of coatings to enhance their corrosion resistance ... -
Mechanical Reliability of Metal-Si Systems at different Length scales under Thermal Cyclic Loading
Metal structures of nanometer to micrometer sizes in different configurations, such as thin films, thick coatings and 3D interconnects, are widely used for conducting electrical signals in several semiconductor-based ... -
Electric Field-Guided Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Matrix Composites for Structural Applications
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been extensively researched for diverse applications in recent years. In the present work, the use of low frequency non-uniform alternating electric fields to manipulate the alignment behavior ... -
A Study on Isogeometric Analysis of Laminated Composite Beams
A myriad of physical processes in engineering and other science branches is represented using differential equations with boundary conditions. Finding the exact solution for the differential equation is quite challenging ... -
Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Potential of Sustainable Urban Transport Measures in India
The global climate is transforming due to increased GHG emissions. Globally, the response to climate change has been through mitigation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Urban transportation is the second leading source ... -
Information Extraction and Mapping for Populating Ontologies in Product Lifecycle Management
Computer-based tools used to manage a product's lifecycle from the cradle to the grave need to share product information across phases. If this information is well structured, accessing, and manipulating such information ... -
A shape optimization approach for simulating contact of elastic membranes with rigid obstacles
The obstacle problem consists in computing equilibrium shapes of elastic membranes in contact with rigid obstacles. In addition to the displacement u of the membrane, the interface on the membrane demarcating the ... -
Real Time Solutions to Aerospace Optimal Control Problems
A real-time autonomous trajectory generation methodology for aerospace vehicles using pseudo-spectral based global collocation methods is presented in this thesis. The proposed method is formulated in a manner whereby ... -
Direct Estimation of Acoustic Source Characteristics of the Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust System and Analysis of Complex Muffler Configurations
Reduction in noise radiated from the IC engines is needed to meet the ever increasingly stringent noise regulations. The unmuffled exhaust noise of an IC engine is the biggest contributor to the overall engine noise. ... -
Supporting Environmentally-benign Design at Conceptual Stage
An ‘environmentally-benign design’ is defined as that which causes little or no harm to the natural environment and may be achieved by reducing the environmental impact of the design solutions conceptualised, to be ... -
On a Few Non-Classical Perspectives in Solid Mechanics
Postulates in solid mechanics can be broadly classified into three groups describing the geometry of a configuration, mechanical equilibrium and thermodynamics of the deformation process. The geometry defined on a configuration ... -
Role of Physico-chemical Processes And Micro-structural Features in Influencing Moisture Loss and Engineering Properties Of Compacted Residual Soils Exposed To Environmental Relative Humidity
The moisture content of residual soils above the water table, and near ground surface (≤ 6 m) is influenced by the environmental relative humidity (RH). The focus of this thesis is to examine the physico-chemical and ... -
Role of in-phase octahedral tilt influencing structure and properties in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 - based piezoceramics
High performance perovskite (ABO3) based piezoceramics are used as actuators, pressure sensors, and transducers in wide-ranging applications spanning sectors like health, space, defence and automobiles. For over four ... -
Flow and structure of dense granular materials
Granular materials are frequently encountered in our daily lives and are widely processed forms of matter in various industries. Despite decades of research, the mechanical behavior of granular materials is not well ... -
Micromechanical modeling of fracture and fatigue behavior of cementitious composites
The ubiquitous use of concrete as a construction material in the civil engineering industry demands a thorough understanding of its failure process under different types of loading. The composite nature of cementitious ... -
Experimental Study of Multiphase Flow in the Presence of Raceway in the Packed Beds
The lower part of the iron-making blast furnace is very important for operational stability and productivity of it. It represents a multiphase flow, including a cohesive zone. In order to reduce the coke consumption and ... -
Effect of microstructure and texture on the dwell fatigue behaviour of titanium alloys
Ever since the failure of the fan blades of the Rolls Royce gas turbine engine that powered the Lockheed Martin tristar aircraft in 1972, ambient temperature dwell fatigue (DF) in titanium alloys has received considerable ... -
Tectonic evolution and tin mineralisation of the Karagwe–Ankole Belt, Rwanda
Studies of the tectonic evolution and associated ore genesis through time are fundamental to understanding Earth’s crustal growth, evolution, and related enrichment in metal deposits. The present PhD research work has ...