Improved laboratory and computational models for thermal core–mantle interaction
The Earth's magnetic field is generated by thermochemical convection within its
outer core. The near-stationary high-latitude magnetic
flux concentrations in the present
day field indicate that convective motion in the outer core is influenced by the thermal inho-
mogeneity of the overlying mantle. Heat
flow across the core{mantle boundary (CMB) follows
the pattern of lateral variations in the lower mantle. In this thesis, thermal core{mantle inter-
action and its consequences for dynamo action are investigated through computational and
laboratory models. First, the onset of convection is studied in a rapidly rotating spherical
shell subject to laterally varying boundary heat
flux. It is shown that convection is organized
in clusters of small-scale rolls in preferred longitudes. In addition, the lateral variations sub-
stantially ease the onset of convection with both equatorially symmetric and antisymmetric
lateral variations. Second, an experimental study is conducted that examines the role of
laterally varying boundary heat
flux on rapidly rotating convection in a cylindrical annulus.
A radial temperature gradient is maintained across the annulus to generate buoyancy. Heat
flux is varied on the outer cylinder to mimic the thermal inhomogeneity at the CMB. The
effect of large-scale boundary heat
flux variations on rapidly rotating convection is demon-
strated for the first time in a laboratory experiment. Finally, three-dimensional numerical
dynamo simulations are performed in a rotating spherical shell to study the generation of
the magnetic field by convective motions modified by lateral variations. It is shown that the
lateral heat
flux variations at the CMB favour the growth of a seed magnetic field when back-
ground convection is weak. The results may explain the existence of the early geodynamo
that operated on purely thermal convection.