Role of equatorial convection and moisture in the structure and propagation of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillations
Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) is the dominant mode of tropical variability
during Boreal summers. BSISO is manifested by northward propagation of the
Maximum Cloud Zone (MCZ) from the warm equatorial Indian Ocean up until 20oN
latitude across a large longitudinal extent. BSISO modulates Indian summer monsoon
rainfall (ISMR) by modulating the dry and wet spells over India. Past studies have identified
BSISO as the unstable mode of monsoon flow, and the zonal wind shear mainly
controls this instability. In this study, we investigate the role of equatorial convection in
the structure and propagation of BSISO, emphasizing the moisture dynamics. We also try
to understand how the equatorial convection controls the processes that are responsible
for the northward propagation of BSISO.
To understand the role of equatorial convection, we examine how the Indian Ocean
Dipole (IOD) influences the BSISO. We find that northward propagations tend to be
weaker during positive Indian Ocean Dipole (pIOD) events, with only 28% of events
propagating northward. At the same time, the number stands at 81% during the negative
Indian Ocean Dipole (nIOD) events. The “moisture mode” framework is used to
understand the processes responsible for the weakening of northward propagations during
pIOD years. Our analyses show that moistening caused by horizontal advection is the
major contributor to northward propagations during negative IOD (nIOD) years, but the
amplitude of horizontal advection is much smaller during pIOD years. Further analyses
revealed that the reduction in the advection of the background entropy/moisture by
zonal wind perturbations during pIOD is primarily responsible for the reduction in the
horizontal advection. The mean structure of entropy between 925 and 500 hpa levels remained
similar over most of the Asian monsoon region across the contrasting IOD years,
and the reason for weaker northward propagations can be attributed to the weaker zonal
wind perturbations at intraseasonal timescales. These weaker zonal wind perturbations during ISO events in pIOD years result from weak Rossby Vortex lobes. The weakening
of Rossby wave response owing to cooler than average sea surface temperatures in the
South-East Equatorial Indian Ocean and warmer than average West Equatorial Indian
Ocean is proposed to be the possible reason for the weakening of northward propagations
during pIOD years.
Past studies indicate that the Coupled Model Intercomparison projects (CMIP) models
do not faithfully capture the northward propagation of BSISO. Thus, we examine
if the failure to capture the structure of BSISO is related to the equatorial convection
in the CMIP6 models. We use a counting algorithm to distinguish the CMIP6 model’s
propagation faithfully (above-averge-performing-model, AAPM) from those that do not
(below-average-performing-model, BAPM). A moisture budget shows that AAPMs have
a robust horizontal advection that helps moisten the atmosphere ahead of the BSISO
convection centre, thus enhancing the BSISO’s northward propagation. We further break
down the horizontal advection to illuminate the processes responsible for robust northward
propagation in AAPMs. We find that the ISO wind perturbations and meridional
gradient of moisture perturbations mainly control the horizontal advection to the north of
the convection centre, suggesting that difference in the observed northward propagations
between AAPMs and BAPMS can be attributed to how these models represent equatorial
convection, supporting our hypothesis that strength/structure of equatorial convection is
central to BSISO’s northward propagation.
The structure of BSISO rainfall is relatively less studied. This study shows that
the ISO rainfall anomalies weaken across the south Bay of Bengal (SBoB) before they
re-strengthen over the north Bay of Bengal (NBoB).We use the moisture budget to understand
the reason for these weakening-strengthening cycles. The convergence of background
moisture by the ISO wind perturbations decides the ISO rainfall structure. Past literature
suggests that the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) convergence is caused by barotropic
vorticity, so we will conduct a vorticity budget to understand the rainfall structure. We
find that though vorticity tilting helps generate the positive tendency of the ISO vorticity,
the vorticity stretching enhances it. Further splitting of the stretching term helps
us conclude that the convergence due to wind perturbations is the predominant term,
representing feedback between dynamics and thermodynamics. We hypothesize that the
weaker rainfall anomalies in the SBoB result from the weaker background column relative humidity and moisture, which do not allow the initial dynamic perturbations to grow
as fast as they do in an environment with stronger background relative humidity and
moisture (NBoB).
Finally, we examine the future of BSISO by examining the projections of Shared
Socioeconomic Pathways 370 (SSP370) from CMIP6. The moisture increases more or less
uniformly in the future projections, keeping the spatial gradients nearly constant. The
equatorial convection broadens and enhances, leading to no significant change in the wind
perturbations. This increases the BSISO rainfall by 42% in the Arabian Sea and 63% in
the Bay of Bengal compared to the historical runs.