Browsing Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 93
Ab initio Quantum Chemical Studies on Kinetic Fractionation during the analysis of Carbonates for the Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Stable and clumped isotopic compositions of molecules and minerals carry the signatures of temperatures and other physical and chemical conditions of the time of their formation. Isotopic compositions of such precipitate ... -
Aerosol Absorption And Source Characteristics Over Different Environments
(2010-11-02)Extremely fine liquid droplets or solid particles, those remain suspended in the air, are known as aerosols. They are produced by natural sources and anthropogenic activities. Several types of aerosols produced by different ... -
Air-Sea Flux Measurements Over The Bay Of Bengal During A Summer Monsoon
(2009-03-19)Majority of the rain producing monsoon systems in India form or intensify over the Bay of Bengal and move onto the land. We expect the air-sea interaction to be a crucial factor in the frequent genesis and intensification ... -
Arabian Sea High Salinity Core in the Bay of Bengal
The Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) advects high salinity water from the Arabian Sea into the Bay of Bengal (BoB) during the summer monsoon. This high salinity water subducts and enters the BoB as a subsurface high salinity ... -
Assesment Of Air Quality And Anthropogenic Aerosol Fraction Over India Using Observations And Model
(2014-12-11)Air quality degradation is emerging to be an issue of major concern in India. Recent investigations have shown that anthropogenic aerosols have significant impact on climate as well as on health. In fourth assessment report ... -
Assessment of Direct Radiative Effects of Aerosols using Assimilated Datasets over the Indian Region
Uncertainties in estimation of radiative effects of aerosols, pose the primary challenge for the accurate climate impact assessment of aerosols. Especially, over the Indian region which is characterized by significant ... -
An Assessment Of The Simulation Of Monsoon And Inter Tropical Convergence Zone In Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models
(2010-10-08)Monsoons and Intertropical Convergence Zones (ITCZ) exhibit variability at various temporal and spatial scales. The temporal scale of variability encompasses scales from the intraseasonal through interannual to interdecadal ... -
Bay of Bengal Freshwater in the tropical Indian Ocean
The annual total continental runoff into the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is more than half the runoff into the entire tropical Indian Ocean. The net freshwater (FW) content in the Bay of Bengal mixed layer increases from a minimum ... -
Biennial Oscillation Of Indian Summer Monsoon And Global Surface Climate In The Present Decade
(2010-12-08)The ENSO-monsoon system is known to have a biennial component. Here we show using high resolution satellite data, mainly daily rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST) from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), ... -
Changes In The Duration-Depth Characteristics Of Indian Monsoon Rainfall During 1951-2000
(2010-11-22)Several previous studies have found that various characteristics of the Indian monsoon rainfall have shown secular changes over the past century. In this study, using a gridded (1degree) daily rainfall dataset, we analyse ... -
The Changing Nature Of Rainfall Annual Cycle And The Propagation Characteristics Of The Intraseasonal Oscillations In Flood And Drought Years Of The Indian Monsoon
(2010-08-30)Using a 50-year (1951-2000) gridded (1-degree) daily rainfall data set over the Indian land region, we study two main aspects of the Indian monsoon. The first aspect deals with the changing nature of the rainfall annual ... -
Characteristics of Convective Clouds Over the Indian Monsoon Zone from Weather Radar Data
Deep convective clouds play an important role in global energy balance through vertical transport of water vapor, momentum and energy, altering radiation and also influence hydrological cycle via precipitation. These clouds ... -
Cloud Properties Over SHAR Region Derived From Weather RADAR Data
(2011-01-18)Weather radars are increasingly used for the study of clouds, understanding the precipitation systems and also for forecasting very short range weather (one hour to a few hours). Now, Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) data are ... -
Data Assimilation Experiments Using An Indian Ocean General Circulation Model
(2008-09-09)Today, ocean modeling is fast developing as a versatile tool for the study of earth’s climate, local marine ecosystems and coastal engineering applications. Though the field of ocean modeling began in the early 1950s along ... -
Dynamics and Stability of Multiple Jets in Geophysical Flows
(2018-04-18)The effect of rotation on the stability of multiple jets in planetary atmospheres is system- atically investigated. Typically in Jovian planetary atmospheres, multiple zonal jets have been observed and their morphology has ... -
Dynamics of river plumes in the Bay of Bengal
The Bay of Bengal (BoB) receives a large amount of freshwater through runoff from sev- eral rivers along its border. This large freshwater gain has severe implications on the dynamics and thermodynamics of the BoB as ... -
Dynamics of Summer Monsoon Current around Sri Lanka
(2018-05-21)Summer monsoon current (SMC) in the north Indian Ocean (NIO) is an open ocean current that flows eastward and enter into Bay of Bengal (BoB) during southwest monsoon (June–September). South of Sri Lanka, the SMC turns ... -
Effect of Rainfall and River Discharge on the North Indian Ocean
In the north Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal (BoB or bay) and the Eastern Arabian Sea (EAS) receive a huge amount of rainfall during summer. Several rivers along their boundaries discharge enormous amounts of freshwater ...