Understanding mRNA fate regulation by RGG motif protein, Sbp1
Cellular events that rely on translation regulation has been well established, however the
molecular details of factors involved in bringing translation control remains inadequately
explored. RNA binding proteins form an integral part of transcriptional and post-transcriptional
gene regulation pathway. However, the principles that govern the activity of an RNA binding
protein is poorly explored. In this thesis, a systematic investigation has been done to delineate
the contribution of individual RRM domains and arginine methylation in the RGG motif of an
RNA binding protein, Sbp1 towards its function.
Chapter 3 demonstrated that role of arginine methylation of Sbp1 RGG motif towards its
translation repression and decapping enhancing activity. Pull-down assays indicated that Sbp1
interaction with eIF4G1 decreases when the methylating enzyme, Hmt1 is absent or the Sbp1
RGG motif is deleted. We also learned that Sbp1 mono-methylation increases upon glucose
starvation stress, which is known to cause global translation repression in yeast. Moreover,
arginine methylation of Sbp1 was found to be crucial for driving decapping activators such as
Dhh1 and Scd6 to RNA granules. Together, our results have established functional relevance
of arginine methylation towards translation repression and decapping enhancing ability of RNA
binding protein, Sbp1.
Chapter 4 investigated the role of RRM domains of Sbp1 towards causing over-expression
mediated growth defect and localizing to RNA granules. RRM domains are the most abundant
RNA binding domain that harbor 6-8 amino acid consensus sequence involved in RNA
binding. Our results have demonstrated that upon deleting both the RRM domains and not the
RNP sequence, SBP1 over-expression mediated growth defect can be rescued. Moreover,
∆RRM 1+2 mutant of Sbp1 could not localize to RNA granules upon glucose starvation than
wild-type. These observations suggest that Sbp1 RRM domains function via sequences outside
the RNP motif, which is yet to be discovered.
Chapter 5 describes novel genetic interaction of SBP1 with genes involved in Non-sense
mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway. Over-expression mediated growth defect by SBP1 is
augmented upon individual deletion of UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3. However, the augmented
growth phenotype was not due to an increase in the protein level of Sbp1. Our study has
established a link between translation repression and mRNA decay.
To summarize, our study has identified: i) importance of arginine methylation of Sbp1 in
regulating its function, ii) contribution of RRM domains of Sbp1 in causing over-expression
mediated growth defect and localize to RNA granules upon stress and iii) genetic modulators
of Sbp1 function. These studies have been done in budding yeast. Although, yeast does not
display tissue level specificity observed in complex organisms, the molecular pathways are
largely conserved. Principles that govern mRNA fate in yeast can form the basis for
hypothesizing how certain factors might function in humans.
- Biochemistry (BC) [258]