Representations of Special Compact Linear Groups of Order Two : Construction, Representation Growth, Group Algebras and Branching Laws
Let o be the ring of integers of a non-Archimedean local field such that the residue field has
characteristic p: Let p be the maximal ideal of o: For Char¹oº = 0; let e be the ramification
index of o: i.e., 2o = pe: Let GLn¹oº be the group of n n invertible matrices with entries
from o and SLn¹oº be the subgroup of GLn¹oº consisting of all determinant one matrices.
In this dissertation, our focus is on the construction of the continuous complex irreducible
representations of the group SL2¹oº and to describe the representation growth. Also we will
discus some results about group algebras of SL2 ¹o pr º for large r and branching laws obtained
by restricting irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º to SL2¹o pr º:
Construction: For r 1; the construction of irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º and
for SL2¹o pr º with p > 2 are known by the work of Jaikin-Zapirain and Stasinski-Stevens.
However, those methods do not work for p = 2: In this case we give a construction of all
irreducible representations of groups SL2¹o pr º; for r 1with Char¹oº = 2 and for r 4e + 2
with Char¹oº = 0:
RepresentationGrowth: For a rigid groupG; it iswell knownthat the abscissa of convergence
¹Gº of the representation zeta function ofG gives precise information about its representation
growth. Jaikin-Zapirain and Avni-Klopsch-Onn-Voll proved that ¹SL2¹oºº = 1; for either
p > 2 or Char¹oº = 0: We complete these results by proving that ¹SL2¹oºº = 1 also for p = 2
and Char¹oº > 0:
Group Algebras: The groups GL2¹o pr º and GL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº need not be isomorphic, but
the group algebras »GL2¹o pr º¼ and »GL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are known to be isomorphic. In
parallel for p > 2 and r 1; the group algebras »SL2¹o pr º¼ and »SL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are also
isomorphic. We show that for p = 2 and Char¹oº = 0; the group algebras »SL2¹o pr º¼ and
»SL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are not isomorphic for r 2e + 2: As a corollary we obtain that the group
algebras, »SL2¹ 2r º¼ and »SL2¹ 2»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are not isomorphic for r 4:
Branching Laws: We give a description of the branching laws obtained by restricting
irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º to SL2¹o pr º for p = 2: In this case, we again show
that many results for p = 2 are quite different from the case p > 2:
- Mathematics (MA) [163]