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dc.contributor.advisorSingla, Pooja
dc.contributor.authorHassain, M
dc.description.abstractLet o be the ring of integers of a non-Archimedean local field such that the residue field has characteristic p: Let p be the maximal ideal of o: For Char¹oº = 0; let e be the ramification index of o: i.e., 2o = pe: Let GLn¹oº be the group of n n invertible matrices with entries from o and SLn¹oº be the subgroup of GLn¹oº consisting of all determinant one matrices. In this dissertation, our focus is on the construction of the continuous complex irreducible representations of the group SL2¹oº and to describe the representation growth. Also we will discus some results about group algebras of SL2 ¹o pr º for large r and branching laws obtained by restricting irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º to SL2¹o pr º: Construction: For r 1; the construction of irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º and for SL2¹o pr º with p > 2 are known by the work of Jaikin-Zapirain and Stasinski-Stevens. However, those methods do not work for p = 2: In this case we give a construction of all irreducible representations of groups SL2¹o pr º; for r 1with Char¹oº = 2 and for r 4e + 2 with Char¹oº = 0: RepresentationGrowth: For a rigid groupG; it iswell knownthat the abscissa of convergence ¹Gº of the representation zeta function ofG gives precise information about its representation growth. Jaikin-Zapirain and Avni-Klopsch-Onn-Voll proved that ¹SL2¹oºº = 1; for either p > 2 or Char¹oº = 0: We complete these results by proving that ¹SL2¹oºº = 1 also for p = 2 and Char¹oº > 0: Group Algebras: The groups GL2¹o pr º and GL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº need not be isomorphic, but the group algebras »GL2¹o pr º¼ and »GL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are known to be isomorphic. In parallel for p > 2 and r 1; the group algebras »SL2¹o pr º¼ and »SL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are also isomorphic. We show that for p = 2 and Char¹oº = 0; the group algebras »SL2¹o pr º¼ and »SL2¹ q»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are not isomorphic for r 2e + 2: As a corollary we obtain that the group algebras, »SL2¹ 2r º¼ and »SL2¹ 2»t¼ ¹tr ºº¼ are not isomorphic for r 4: Branching Laws: We give a description of the branching laws obtained by restricting irreducible representations of GL2¹o pr º to SL2¹o pr º for p = 2: In this case, we again show that many results for p = 2 are quite different from the case p > 2:en_US
dc.rightsI grant Indian Institute of Science the right to archive and to make available my thesis or dissertation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now hereafter known. I retain all proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertationen_US
dc.subjectBranching Lawsen_US
dc.subject.classificationResearch Subject Categories::MATHEMATICS::Algebra, geometry and mathematical analysisen_US
dc.titleRepresentations of Special Compact Linear Groups of Order Two : Construction, Representation Growth, Group Algebras and Branching Lawsen_US
dc.typeThesisen_US Institute of Scienceen_US of Scienceen_US

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