Mathematics (MA)
Recent Submissions
Symmetric real-closed subsets of affine Kac-Moody Lie Algebras
In this thesis, we study some important classification problems related to affine Kac--Moody Lie algebras. First, we address the combinatorial problem of classifying symmetric real-closed subsets of affine root systems ... -
The Momentum Construction Method for Higher Extremal Kähler and Conical Higher cscK Metrics
This thesis consists of two parts. In both the parts we study two new notions of canonical K\"ahler metrics on compact K\"ahler manifolds which were introduced by Pingali, viz. `higher extremal K\"ahler metric' and ... -
The monopole-dimer model and eccentricities for Cartesian product of graphs
This thesis comprises two main parts. The details of the two parts are as follows: The first part of the thesis deals with the monopole-dimer model. The dimer (resp. monomer-dimer) model deals with weighted enumeration of ... -
Holomorphic mappings and Kobayashi geometry of domains
In this thesis, we study certain aspects of the geometry of the Kobayashi (pseudo)distance and the Kobayashi (pseudo)metric for domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$. We focus on the following themes: on the interaction between Kobayashi ... -
Invariants Associated with Complete Nevanlinna-Pick Spaces
The broad aim of this thesis is to study certain tuples of bounded operators that satisfy an operator inequality arising from a complete Nevanlinna-Pick kernel. Specifically, we focus on two invariants of these operator ... -
Maps Between Non-compact Surfaces
This thesis focuses on studying proper maps between two non-compact surfaces with a particular emphasis on the topological rigidity and the Hopfian property. Topological rigidity is the property that every homotopy equivalence ... -
On two complex Hessian equations and convergence of corresponding flows
This thesis consists of three parts. Two important complex Hessian equations are studied on certain compact K\"ahler manifolds from different perspectives. The first one is the {\em J-equation} introduced independently by ... -
On existence and regularity of some complex Hessian equations on Kahler and transverse Kahler manifolds
The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part of the thesis, we classify the convergence behaviour of rotationally symmetric solutions to the modified J-flow on the blow-up of the complex projective space at a ... -
On regular subalgebras of symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras and related combinatorics
In this thesis, we study two aspects of Kac-Moody algebras. One is to understand the subalgebras that can be embedded inside a Kac-Moody algebra as subalgebras generated by real root vectors. The other one is to explicitly ... -
Existence and implications of positively curved metrics on holomorphic vector bundles
This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, we study interpolating and uniformly flat hypersurfaces in complex Euclidean space. The study of interpolation and sampling in the Bargmann-Fock spaces on the complex ... -
Geometry of normed linear spaces in light of Birkhoff-James orthogonality
In this thesis, we have tried to understand the geometry of normed spaces in the light of Birkhoff-James orthogonality. Using the first two chapters to give introductory notes and to establish relevant notations and ... -
Some Aspects of Weighted Kernel Functions on Planar Domains
The broad aim of this thesis is to study some aspects of weighted kernel functions. In particular, this thesis has been driven by three principal goals: First, to study the boundary behaviour of weighted Bergman kernels. ... -
Characters of classical groups twisted by roots of unity
This thesis focuses on the study of specialized characters of irreducible polynomial representations of the complex classical Lie groups of types A, B, C and D. We study various specializations where the characters are ... -
Harmonic Map Heat Flow and Framed Surface-group Representations
This thesis concerns the construction of harmonic maps from certain non-compact surfaces into hyperbolic 3-space H3 with prescribed asymptotic behavior and has two parts. The focus of the first part is when the domain ... -
On commuting isometries and commuting isometric semigroups
This thesis consists of two parts- commuting isometries and commuting isometric semigroups. In the first part, we study the Taylor joint spectrum for a pair of commuting isometries in certain cases. We show that the joint ... -
On some canonical metrics on holomorphic vector bundles over Kahler manifolds
This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we introduce coupled Kähler- Einstein and Hermitian-Yang-Mills equations. It is shown that these equations have an interpretation in terms of a moment map. We identify ... -
Interaction of distinguished varieties and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem in some domains
This thesis explores the interplay between complex geometry and operator theory, focusing on characterizing certain objects from algebraic geometry. Two concepts that have been of prime importance in recent times in the ... -
Correlations in multispecies asymmetric exclusion processes
The main aim of this thesis is to study the correlations in multispecies exclusion processes inspired by the research of Ayyer and Linusson (Trans. AMS., 2017) where they studied correlations in the multispecies TASEP on ... -
Homogenization of PDEs on oscillating boundary domains with L1 data and optimal control problems
This thesis comprehensively studies the homogenization of partial differential equations (PDEs) and optimal control problems with oscillating coefficients in oscillating domains. After the introduction, the thesis is divided ...