Browsing Physics (PHY) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 471
1H-NMR Study of Proton Glasses - Nuclear Spin Lattice Relaxation in BPxBPI(1-x) and BPxGPI(1-x) - Effects of Disorder on the Proton Group Dynamics
Mixed systems made from a combination of ferroelectric (FE) and antiferroelectric (AFE) compounds, exhibit various effects of disorder in different temperature regions. The kind of effects observed, depend on the technique ... -
3D Dosimetry using optical tomography and electronic portal images
The primary goal of this thesis is to develop techniques to quantify the radiation dose distributions used in radiotherapy for cancer treatment. It aims at developing a physically profound calculation model for the transit ... -
Active matter: chirality, translational order, and interfaces
My PhD work is on chiral active matter with solid and fluid directions, dynamics of the interface of a nonconserved chiral order parameter in an active system, flocking on curved manifolds and field-driven colloids in ... -
Activity induced phase separation and the emergence of liquid crystal phases in chiral and achiral systems, and development of an efficient method to compute the entropy of various liquid crystal phases
The phase behaviour of shape-anisotropic particles is an emerging field of research that gives rise to various liquid crystal phases. In this thesis, we explore various equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of ... -
AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clisters - Controlling Cooling Flows in Galaxy Clusters by Momentum-driven AGN Jets
Synopsis According to the hierarchical structure formation model, massive structures like galaxy clusters are formed due to the gravitational collapse of initial density perturbations and their subsequent mergers. ... -
Anomalous Translational And Reorientational Dynamics Of Single File Water
(2010-04-12)This thesis deals with several aspects of translational and reorientational dynamics of water molecules confined inside narrow carbon nanotubes. Water molecules confined in a non-polar, nanoscopic pore exhibit extremely ... -
A Bayesian Approach To Positron Emission Tomography
(2011-11-22) -
The Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Framework for Multiphase Fluid Flows: Laminar, Turbulent, and Active
The Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes (CHNS) framework has found extensive applications, across diverse length and time scales, for multi-phase flows. In this thesis, we demonstrate that this framework offers a robust theoretical ... -
Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Investigations of Binary-Fluid Turbulence and Droplet Dynamics
(2017-12-10)The study of finite-sized, deformable droplets adverted by turbulent flows is an active area of research. It spans many streams of sciences and engineering, which include chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, statistical ... -
Carrier Mobility And High Field Transport in Modulation Doped p-Type Ge/Si1-xGex And n-Type Si/Si1-xGex Heterostructures
(Indian Institute of Science, 2007-06-26)Modulation doped heterostructures have revolutionized the operation of field effect devices by increasing the speed of operation. One of the factors that affects the speed of operation of these devices is the mobility of ... -
A cavity electromechanical device for superconducting vortex charge sensing
The penetration of magnetic fields in the form of quantized vortices in type-II superconductors is well known. However, it is not well known that such vortices can be electrically charged. The effect is quite subtle and ... -
Chaos, entanglement, and non-equilibrium dynamics in Hermitian and non-Hermitian quantum many-body systems
Quantum chaos and entanglement have appeared as two key intertwined concepts to characterize fundamental quantum correlations of quantum many-body states and to understand the emergence of thermal and non-thermal steady ... -
Charge Transport And Magnetic Properties Of Iron-embedded Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
(2014-06-12)Studies on charge transport properties in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been a subject of great interest for a long time not only as an important topic in fundamental science, but also as a basic requirement for the application ... -
Charge Transport and Photo-Physical Studies in Conjugated Polymers, Hybrid Nanocomposites and Devices
(2017-12-12)The main motivation of this thesis is derived from the fact that physics of disordered systems like conjugated polymer has yet not achieved as concrete understanding as ordered and crystalline systems such as inorganic ... -
Charge Transport In Conducting Polymers, Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites And Devices
(2014-02-26)The Thesis reports charge transport studies on conducting polymers, polymer carbon nanotube composites and organic semiconductor devices. Conducting and semiconducting polymers consisting of π-conjugated chains have ... -
Charge transport in functionalized carbon nanotube and composite with polyaniline at low temperature
Carbon nanotube (CNT) is a very well-known material with very high thermal conductivity, high Young modulus and high electrical conductivity. The sp2 bonded C=C π-electrons delocalize in the whole lattice give rise to high ... -
Charge Transport in Molecular Systems
Understanding charge transport in molecular systems is of fundamental interest in rapidly growing field of molecular electronics as well as to understand biological signal transfer processes which are accompanied by the ... -
Charge Transport in PEDOT:PSS and Blends
Charge transport properties and metal-insulator transition in conducting polymers de pend on doping, disorder and the complex nanomorphology. Conductivity of poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate) ... -
Charge Transport in Semiconducting Polymer Devices
(2018-02-23)Understanding the fundamentals of Organic semiconductors is crucial aspect towards the technological applications. Conjugated polymers have shown many interesting physical properties. Especially the electronic and optical ...