Charge Transport in PEDOT:PSS and Blends
Charge transport properties and metal-insulator transition in conducting polymers de pend on doping, disorder and the complex nanomorphology. Conductivity of poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate) [PEDOT:PSS] can be varied by solvent pro cessing methods, thereby tuning the delocalization of carriers. Understanding and controlling
charge transport in conducting polymers is crucial, not only for device applications, also in
understanding the underlying physics of localization and interactions of charge carriers in
disordered system. This thesis reports charge transport in conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS
and blends. The thesis consists of seven chapter. First chapter gives introduction to con ducting polymers and charge transport properties. The sample preparation and experimental
details are discussed in second chapter. The charge transport in PEDOT:PSS with additives
is presented in third chapter. Fourth chapter discusses scaling of conductivity near metal insulator transition and critical exponents in conducting polymers. Fifth chapter focuses
on scaling of conductivity by electric field and temperature in PEDOT:PSS. Chapter six
elaborates charge transport in blends of PEDOT:PSS with nonconducting polymers
- Physics (PHY) [469]