Charge Transport in Molecular Systems
Understanding charge transport in molecular systems is of fundamental interest in
rapidly growing field of molecular electronics as well as to understand biological signal
transfer processes which are accompanied by the spatial transport of charge.
In this thesis, I describe the charge transport properties of various molecular systems
using thermally activated hopping mechanism as described in the framework of Marcus-
Hush formalism. The thesis is organized as follows: In the introduction of the thesis, I
present a general overview of the various theoretical descriptions of the charge transport
phenomenon in molecular systems. I describe the diffusive transport of charge captured
by the classical Drude theory and present the Landauer-B uttiker formalism which describes
the transport of charge as the quantum mechanical tunnelling. I also narrate the
semi-classical Marcus-Hush kind of hopping mechanism of charge transport which holds
good for the systems having disorder causing localization of the charge carrier.
2nd chapter of the thesis presents a brief introduction of the various numerical techniques
and force field used in all the works presented in the thesis. In the rest of the thesis,
I discuss the charge transport properties of a variety of molecular systems. The charge
transport properties are studied either in a single molecule level or in a self-assembled
morphology of the molecules. To study the charge transport properties of the system we
use multiscale modelling simulation technique combining classical molecular dynamics
simulation, quantum mechanical calculation and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation. The
molecular dynamics simulations are done to predict the equilibrium morphology of the
system. Once the equilibrium morphology is generated, the system is partitioned into
charge hopping sites with the hopping rates between the neighbouring sites described by
Semi-Classical Marcus-Hush formalism. Quantum mechanical calculations are performed
to calculate these hopping rates. Using these rates, Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation is
done to simulate the movement of charge and to predict the mobility of charge carriers
in the system.
In the 3rd chapter of the thesis, I explore the charge transport properties of a recently
synthesized discotic liquid crystal[Adv. Mater. 26, 2066 (2014)]. We perform
all-atom molecular dynamics simulation to probe the molecular organization in
a hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline phase formed by the discotic molecule Hexa-
Peri-Hexabenzocoronene/Oligothiophene hybrid. We also report the hole mobility along
the column of this liquid crystal phase and found that the mobility is limited by the
defects in molecular arrangement in the column.
Understanding that the defects in the column limits the mobility, we arrange the
discotic coronene molecules inside the single walled carbon nanotube(CNT). Coronene
molecules are found to form defect free column inside the nanotube for a particular radius
of the CNT which leads to ultrahigh charge carrier (hole) mobility along the coronene
stack. The details of these calculations are presented in chapter 4 of the thesis.
In the 5th chapter, I report the hole and electron mobility of two different dendrimer
melt systems: Dendritic phenylazomethine with a triphenylamine core (Dpa-Tpa) and
dendritic carbazole with cyclic phenylazomethine as the core (Cpa-Cz). We present a
way to tune the mobility of the system by changing the dendrimer generation.
In chapter 6 of the thesis, I report the V-I characteristics of a ds-DNA which is attached
between two electrodes. The DNA is further stretched using different protocols
and the current is measured in the course of pulling. We found abrupt jump in current
as the DNA is stretched beyond a critical stretching length. The value of the critical
stretching length was strongly dependent on the pulling protocol. When the DNA
is stretched along 3'end1-3'end2 direction, the conductance jump happens at a larger
stretching length compared to other pulling protocols. We attribute this observation
to the S-form of DNA when pulled along 3'end1-3'end2 direction. In contrast, pulling
along 5'end1-5'end2 direction leads to immediate melting of DNA which leads sharp
conductance jump at very short stretching length.
I believe that the content of the thesis will have significant impact on the field of
molecular electronics and will help to understand the biological charge transfer processes.
- Physics (PHY) [467]