Browsing Mathematics (MA) by thesis submitted date"2012"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Analytic Continuation In Several Complex Variables
(2014-06-30)We wish to study those domains in Cn,for n ≥ 2, the so-called domains of holomorphy, which are in some sense the maximal domains of existence of the holomorphic functions defined on them. We demonstrate that this study ... -
Analyzing Credit Risk Models In A Regime Switching Market
(2016-04-25)Recently, the financial world witnessed a series of major defaults by several institutions and investment banks. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that credit risk analysis have turned out to be one of the most important ... -
Curvature Calculations Of The Operators In Cowen-Douglas Class
(2014-03-03)In a foundational paper “Operators Possesing an Open Set of Eigenvalues” written several decades ago, Cowen and Douglas showed that an operator T on a Hilbert space ‘H possessing an open set Ω C of eigenvalues determines ... -
Function Theory On Non-Compact Riemann Surfaces
(2014-06-30)The theory of Riemann surfaces is quite old, consequently it is well developed. Riemann surfaces originated in complex analysis as a means of dealing with the problem of multi-valued functions. Such multi-valued functions ... -
Grothendieck Inequality
(2016-06-20)Grothendieck published an extraordinary paper entitled ”Resume de la theorie metrique des pro¬duits tensoriels topologiques” in 1953. The main result of this paper is the inequality which is commonly known as Grothendieck ... -
Infinitely Divisible Metrics, Curvature Inequalities And Curvature Formulae
(2014-06-30)The curvature of a contraction T in the Cowen-Douglas class is bounded above by the curvature of the backward shift operator. However, in general, an operator satisfying the curvature inequality need not be contractive. ... -
Joint Eigenfunctions On The Heisenberg Group And Support Theorems On Rn
(2014-04-07)This work is concerned with two different problems in harmonic analysis, one on the Heisenberg group and other on Rn, as described in the following two paragraphs respectively. Let Hn be the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg ... -
Matchings Between Point Processes
(2014-06-20) -
On the Stability of Certain Riemannian Functionals
(2018-03-06)Given a compact smooth manifold Mn without boundary and n ≥ 3, the Lp-norm of the curvature tensor, defines a Riemannian functional on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume M1. Consider ... -
Relative Symplectic Caps, Fibered Knots And 4-Genus
(2014-04-07)The 4-genus of a knot in S3 is an important measure of complexity, related to the unknotting number. A fundamental result used to study the 4-genus and related invariants of homology classes is the Thom conjecture, proved ... -
Riesz Transforms Associated With Heisenberg Groups And Grushin Operators
(2015-12-08)We characterise the higher order Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group and also show that they satisfy dimension-free bounds under some assumptions on the multipliers. We also prove the boundedness of the higher order ... -
Rigidity And Regularity Of Holomorphic Mappings
(2015-07-16)We deal with two themes that are illustrative of the rigidity and regularity of holomorphic mappings. The first one concerns the regularity of continuous CR mappings between smooth pseudo convex, finite type hypersurfaces ... -
The Role Of Potential Theory In Complex Dynamics
(2014-04-07)Potential theory is the name given to the broad field of analysis encompassing such topics as harmonic and subharmonic functions, the Dirichlet problem, Green’s functions, potentials and capacity. In this text, our main ... -
Subnormality and Moment Sequences
(2018-03-07)In this report we survey some recent developments of relationship between Hausdorff moment sequences and subnormality of an unilateral weighted shift operator. Although discrete convolution of two Haudorff moment sequences ... -
Vector Bundles Over Hypersurfaces Of Projective Varieties
(2014-06-02)In this thesis we study some questions related to vector bundles over hypersurfaces. More precisely, for hypersurfaces of dimension ≥ 2, we study the extension problem of vector bundles. We find some cohomological conditions ...