Mechanical Engineering (ME): Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 379
Multi-linear Disassembly Path Determination: A Geometric Approach
This thesis presents a geometric approach for determining the orientation-preserving disassembly paths of polyhedral assembly components. Exact disassembly path determination of the components is essential because the ... -
Discrete particulate description of elastic structures undergoing geometrically nonlinear deformation and dynamic particle interaction
The mechanical behaviour of deformable bodies in a particulate environment has been an area of increasing interest across a wide spectrum of systems and scale. A composite ensemble of deformable structures and discrete ... -
Mechanobiology of cell-substrate interactions
Cell adhesion to substrates is a complex process facilitated by focal adhesion (FA) complexes that help them perform vital cellular functions like migration, growth, and division. Cells probe their surroundings through ... -
Studies on modeling the mechanics of slender elastic ribbons
Ribbons are slender structures characterized by three disparate geometric dimensions: length >> width >> thickness. Such a dimensional disparity enables ribbons to bend, buckle, twist and crease response to simple loading ... -
Mechanics of collective cell migration on substrates of different stiffness
Collective cell migration is characteristic in many physiological processes such as wound closure, morphogenesis, and cancer tumour metastasis. Experiments on cell monolayers demonstrated the formation of finger-like ... -
Steady Sedimentation of Particles in Long Vertical Tube and Effect of End Boundary Conditions on Convective Motion
Sedimentation – settling of particles in a fluid- is observed in nature like rain droplets and dust particles in the atmosphere, and in a variety of industrial processes, like to clarify liquid as well as separate particles ... -
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Chemically Active Flame Inhibitors
Fire hazards pose an increasingly potent threat to modern societies. Early identification and mitigation of fire hazards are crucial to avoid the loss of human lives and property. Recent research suggests that finely-atomized ... -
Design and Development of Force Sensor for measurement of Tactile Friction
The sense of touch, along with the other senses, decides the perception of world around us. We touch, grip, and wear various products in our day-to-day life, be it the constant interaction we have with our mobile phones, ... -
Vapor Mediated Interaction in Droplets
Controlling internal flow in evaporating sessile droplets is desirable across applications ranging from lab-on-chip medical diagnostics, DNA profiling to surface patterning. Diffusion-limited evaporation in droplets exhibits ... -
Analysis of Transcritical CO2 and CO2+ Propane Mixtures for Tropical Cooling Applications
The increasing global average ambient temperatures coupled with stringent environmental regulations has turned the focus on natural working fluids such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrocarbons for use in the refrigeration ... -
Turbulent Free Convection Over Horizontal Surfaces
This thesis deals with turbulent free convection in a horizontal fluid layer above a heated surface. The work can be roughly divided into two parts. In the &st part a model is proposed for the near wall dynamics in ... -
Measuring Three-dimensional Deformations of Elastic Ribbons
Experimental techniques to measure and visualize kinematics in structural and solid mechanics range from humble strain gage rosettes to sophisticated digital image correlation methods. This thesis develops a stereo ... -
Hybrid Model for Micro-channel Heat Exchangers used in sCO2 Brayton Power Blocks
Studies have shown that Micro-channel Heat Exchangers (MCHEs) commonly referred to as Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHEs) are suitable candidates for recuperators and gas coolers used in sCO2 power blocks. CFD and 1-d ... -
Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles and Turbomachinery Development for Renewable Energy and Waste Heat Recovery
Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles have transitioned from the kilowatt level pilot facilities to the megawatt level demonstration plants. Theoretical studies and commercial benefits associated with sCO2, such ... -
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Mixed-mode Fracture Behavior of Basal Textured Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium alloys are finding tremendous applications in automobile and aerospace industries owing to their low density, high specific strength, good machinability and damping characteristics. However, their structural ... -
Influence of Surface Topography and Roughness on Lubrication, Friction and Scuffing in High Hardness Steels
In tribology engineering, friction control is a significant challenge. The interacting surfaces of mechanical components are typically designed for best efficiency during tribological operations and are primarily achieved ... -
New Mechanical Methods to Join Sheets in Lap and Butt Configuration and Analytical Model to Predict and Improve Clinching Joint Strength
Mechanical joining of sheets has many advantages over other joining methods in terms of wide variety combination of similar, dissimilar and non-metallic material sheet joining. In conventional SPR joining, the rivet and ... -
Development of a Flexible Actuator and Motion Planning for Endoscopic Robots
Endoscopy is a procedure by which a long flexible device called the `endoscope' is inserted into a patient's gastro-intestinal(GI) tract primarily for diagnosis. An endoscope is typically equipped with a camera, ... -
Spherical Indentation Response of Bulk and Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) have the ability to recover large strains upon undergoing a thermomechanical cycle. In addition to being used as structural elements, they can be patterned as thin films which can be employed in ...