Mechanical Engineering (ME): Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 379
Characterization of Corneal Lens of Drosophila melanogaster and its Genetic Mutants using Atomic Force Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope
Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly) is a widely used model organism for the study of human disease condition and genetic pathways due to the high degree of gene conservation between fly and human. The compound eyes of ... -
Flow and Forces on Rigid and Flexible Plates in Unsteady Rotational Motion
The swimming motion of fishes have long fascinated scientists and engineers. Over the past few decades, researchers have studied physical models mimicking the tail beat of fishes in an effort to extract key physical ... -
Numerical Studies on Plastic Deformation, Notch Sensitivity and Fracture Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Composites
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) exhibit attractive properties such as high strength and resilience. However, they display negligible tensile ductility due to catastrophic crack propagation inside a dominant shear band (SB). ... -
Propulsive Performance of Pitching Foils Investigated with Viscous Vortex Particle Method
Unsteady flapping foil based thrusters have emerged as ideal candidates for enabling propulsion in bioinspired and bio-mimetic devices such as autonomous underwater vehicles. To a large extent, this emergence has been ... -
Topological Derivative-based Optimization of Fiber-reinforced Structures, Coupled Thermoelastic Structures, and Compliant Mechanisms
The topological derivative of a functional quantifies the sensitivity with respect to an infinitesimal domain perturbations such as a hole, an inclusion, a source term, a crack, etc. In this thesis, topological derivatives ... -
Microstructure, mechanical behavior, and thermal stability of in-situ polymer-derived ceramic reinforced Al-based composites
Al-based metal matrix composites (MMCs) show a high strength-to-weight ratio which makes them attractive for the aerospace and automobile industries. The reinforcements for the same have conventionally been micron-sized ... -
A shape optimization approach for simulating contact of elastic membranes with rigid obstacles
The obstacle problem consists in computing equilibrium shapes of elastic membranes in contact with rigid obstacles. In addition to the displacement u of the membrane, the interface on the membrane demarcating the ... -
Direct Estimation of Acoustic Source Characteristics of the Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust System and Analysis of Complex Muffler Configurations
Reduction in noise radiated from the IC engines is needed to meet the ever increasingly stringent noise regulations. The unmuffled exhaust noise of an IC engine is the biggest contributor to the overall engine noise. ... -
Structural acoustics of perforated panels
In this work, radiation and transmission of sound through flexible perforated panels set in infinite rigid baffles are investigated. The treatment is largely analytical using Fourier transforms and contour integrations. ... -
Studies on Flow Dynamics and Spray Swirl Interactions in Gas Turbine Combustor
Coupling of spray with the coherent structures of a highly turbulent flow has been a long-standing problem especially in the context of liquid fuel delivery systems in gas turbine combustors. The atomizer in a gas turbine ... -
Development of Tubular Solar Receiver with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid
Over the past decade, solar powered supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) based Brayton cycle has been identified as a promising candidate due to its potentially high cycle efficiency (50%, for turbine inlet temperatures ... -
Continuum Analysis of Cavitation Induced Failure and Tensile Deformation Response of Metallic Glasses & Nanoglasses
Metallic glasses (MGs), which are metals solidified in an amorphous state, have shown attractive mechanical properties such as high strength (up to 5 GPa), yield strain (around 2%) and good corrosion resistance. They ... -
Vibration mitigation in spacecraft components using Stewart platform and particle impact damping
A spacecraft encounters two regimes of vibrations: launch loads and on-orbit loads. Both these loads propagate through the spacecraft structure, which is primarily made up of honeycomb sandwich. The launch loads that are ... -
Analysis and Modelling of Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle System with Scroll Expander
In recent years, the growing concern about pollution from fossil fuels has resulted in an increased effort for utilization of low-grade heat sources such as industrial waste heat, solar energy and other renewable sources. ... -
Experimental Studies on Methanol Sprays for IC Engine Applications
In this work, studies have been conducted on sprays of methanol and its emulsions with diesel towards assessing the potential of methanol as an alternative fuel for IC engines. Methanol can be used in compression ignition ... -
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Low Emission Syngas Combustion
The present study concerns experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion of low-calorific value syngas in an optically accessible reverse flow combustion chamber. Several modes of operation are investigated ... -
A phenomenological one-dimensional model for elastic ribbons
Ribbons exhibit fascinating buckling-dominated behavior under mechanical loading because of a unique combination of geometric dimensions. The recent interest in examining engineering applications of ribbon-like structures ... -
Jet Injection into Supersonic Crossflow: Flowfield and Mixing studies
Supersonic air-breathing engines or scramjets are perhaps the most important technological hurdles towards the development of hypersonic transportation vehicles for both easy access to space and for missile related ... -
Experimental studies on Soot and Particulate reduction in Heavy Fuel Oil Combustion
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is extensively used in industrial burners and marine engines. HFO droplet combustion gives rise to carbon particulates generated by pyrolysis, which are called cenospheres. There is a current hypothesis ... -
Kinematic Design and Optimal Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators Using Monte Carlo Method
Parallel manipulators are widely used for a variety of tasks where increased accuracy and large load carrying capacities are required. In this work, we propose a Monte Carlo based method to represent and quantify the ...