Browsing Department of Design and Manufacturing (DM, earlier called CPDM) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 85
Acquiring diagnostic knowledge from documents to predict issues in aircraft assembly
Expert knowledge is important in a product's lifecycle, especially during the manufacturing part of the lifecycle. Most of such knowledge is obtained through experience and its reuse can help prevent potential issues in ... -
Advanced Methodologies For Designing Metallic Armour Plates For Ballistic Impact
(2009-09-02)A Primary objective of the present research is the development of robust CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering)-based approaches for designing armour plates subjected to ballistic impact by small-calibre hardened peojectiles ... -
Advanced Numerical Approaches for Analysis of Vehicle Ride Comfort, Wheel Bearings and Steering Control
(2018-06-23)Suspension systems and wheels play a critical role in vehicle dynamics performance of a car in areas such as ride comfort and handling. Lumped parameter models (LPMs) are commonly used for assessing the performance of ... -
Advanced Simulation Methodologies For Crashworthiness And Occupant Safety Assessment Of An Indian Railways Passenger Coach
(2013-05-21)Accidents involving passenger trains happen regularly in India. The reasons for such accidents could be many; such as weather and flooding, faulty tracks, bridge collapse, collisions caused by signaling errors, mechanical ... -
An Advanced Study on Jute-Polyester Composites for Mechanical Design and Impact Safety Applications
(2018-05-14)Natural fiber-reinforced composites are now finding extensive uses in various fields from household articles to automobiles. These composites can score high compared to common synthetic fiber-based composites, notably glass ... -
Analysis of Fetal Heart Sound for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring
Perinatal mortality is the number of stillbirths and deaths during the first seven days of life per 1000 live births. Most (98%) of this death occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) and is known as the 'silent' ... -
Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics and Control of Occupant Biodynamics using a Novel Multi-Occupant Vehicle Model
(2018-06-26)Due to the detrimental effects of ride vibrations on occupants and increasing safety concerns, improvement in vehicle dynamic characteristics has become a key focus of researchers. Typically, ride and handling problems ... -
Applications of Advanced CAE Methodologies to Orthopaedic Implant and Vehicle Occupant cum Pedestrian Safety Countermeasure Design
In the present work, experimental and numerical investigations into the load-displacement responses of a human lumbar Truncated Vertebral Unit (TVU) under quasi-static and impact loading conditions have been carried out ... -
Automated Kinematic Assembly Modeling
(2013-10-21)The aim of this research is to bridge the gap between CAD modeling and kinematic analysis packages by extracting kinematic information directly from part genometries. It will relieve the designers from the tedious task ... -
Blast Effects on Mild Steel Plates and Blast Mitigation using Fluid-filled Polymer Foam
In the modern-day society, there are an increasing number of explosions, either by accidental explosions or by terrorist attacks on civilian and military infrastructure. In view of the increased threat to infrastructure ... -
Comparison of On-Orbit Manual Attitude Control Methods for Non-Docking Spacecraft Through Virtual Reality Simulation
On-orbit manual attitude control of manned spacecraft is accomplished using external visual references and some method of three axis attitude control. All past, present, and developmental spacecraft feature the capability ... -
Comprehensive Study on Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocellulose Reinforced Green Composites
Environmental issues caused by the non-biodegradability of synthetic thermoplastics have increased interest in more environmentally friendly alternatives that should be derived from renewable resources. This work focuses ... -
A Computational Platform For Automated Identification Of Building Blocks In Mechanical Design For Enhancing Ideation
(2016-09-09)Conceptual design is an early stage in the design process, in which functional requirements of a design problem are transformed into solution concepts for satisfying the requirements. It is regarded as a crucial step in ... -
Computerized Landmarking And Anthropometry Over Laser Scanned 3D Head And Face Surface Meshes
(2008-01-11)Understanding of the shape and size of different features of human body from the scanned data is necessary for automated design and evaluation of product ergonomics. The traditional method of finding required body dimensions ... -
Conflation Of CFD And Building Thermal Simulation To Estimate Indian Thermal Comfort Level
(2013-06-21)In the residential and commercial buildings, most of the energy is used to provide the thermal comfort environment to the occupants. The recent research towards Green Buildings is focusing on reduction of energy consumption ... -
Design and Development of Hybrid Metal and Polymer Additive Manufacturing System
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a layer-based manufacturing process aimed at producing parts directly from a Computer-aided design (CAD) model. There are various types of AM systems, which can be classified based on: (i) ... -
Developing A Dialogue Based Knowledge Acquisition Method For Automatically Acquiring Expert Knowledge To Diagnose Mechanical Assemblies
(2013-06-20)Mechanical assembly is an important step during product realization, which is an integrative process that brings together the parts of the assembly, the people performing the assembly and the various technologies that are ... -
Developing SCR Plate Catalysts for Sustainable NOx Reduction in High Dust Thermal Power Plants
The primary aim of this research is to address NOx emission reductions from high ash/dust environments of coal-driven thermal power plants prevalent in India and other regions using low-grade coal with significant fly ash ... -
Development and Studies of Open-Pore Metal Foam for Diverse Applications
This thesis presents a method for producing open-cell metal foams by vibration-assisted casting (VAC) and its studies for diverse engineering applications. Metal foams have a wide range of applications due to their several ... -
Development of 2D and 3D Sketching Environment to Support Early Phases of Design
(2018-04-06)The traditional pen-paper sketching is extensively used in the early stages of product design as it supports creative exploration of product concepts and provides a fluidic mode for the expression of ideas. The Computer ...