Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 681-700 of 1880
Influence of Surface Topography and Tribosystem on Reciprocating Friction in Sparsely Lubricated Contacts
Surface texturing to achieve reduced sliding friction has been a widely studied topic, as seen in contemporary literature. Laser surface texturing, grinding and ion beam milling are popular techniques accepted by researchers ... -
Nanoscale surface engineering of metallic biomaterials for enhancement of mechanical and biological responses
Metallic materials are widely used in load bearing orthopedic applications. The alloys used in the implants are 316L stainless steel (SS), commercially pure Ti (cp-Ti), Ti-6Al-4V and Co-Cr-Mo alloys. The life of implants ... -
Studies on Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Renewable energy becomes inevitable for future energy needs. Accordingly, researchers are exploring possible alternatives to conventional fuel based internal combustion engines. In recent years, Bio-fuel (methane/ethanol) ... -
Effect of Copper on Strength of Super 304H Austenitic Stainless Steel
Super 304H is a copper-containing austenitic stainless steel with potential applications in advanced thermal power plants owing to its superior corrosion, oxidation, creep resistances and cost affordability. The addition ... -
Synthesis of Thermally Stable Catalysts for Methane Reforming and CO Abatement
The global energy consumption is estimated to reach around 262×1012 kWh/year by 2050 for 9 billion people. It is a challenge to meet global energy requirement via clean fuel (hydrogen) and by reducing/utilizing the CO2 ... -
Insights into the Influence of Electric Field on the Structural Evolution and its Correlation with the Properties in the Lead-based BiScO3-PbTiO3 and the Lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 based Piezoceramics
Advanced piezoelectric ceramics are widely used as piezoelectric sensors, transducers, actuators, etc. Among the commercially viable piezoelectric systems, lead zirconate titanate, PbZr1-XTiXO3 (PZT) has dominated the ... -
Bioremediation of Lead from Aqueous Solutions using Pseudomonas Species - Mechanisms & Biosensor Applications
Industrialization, urbanization and technological developments have improved the standard of living for humans on the one hand, but they also have resulted in the generation of wastes containing toxic heavy metals that are ... -
Simulations of Aerosol Species over the Indian Region: Evaluation and Improvements
Increasing aerosol loading over the south Asian region, holds a potential of, perturbing the south Asian monsoon system and the Himalayan glacial coverage, and thus affecting lives of (1/4)th of the world’s population. ... -
Negotiator Initiated Connectivity Restoration in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are groups of sensors, connected by communication links, spread over the area of interest, to perform a specific task. The network may get partitioned into clusters due to unanticipated ... -
Blade Flutter in a Linear Cascade: Unsteady Loads and Flow Features in Subsonic and Transonic Flows
Vibration related issues like flutter can significantly limit the performance of aircraft engines and cause unwarranted cost and time overruns. The increased demand for more powerful yet compact engines has resulted in the ... -
Effect of Rainfall and River Discharge on the North Indian Ocean
In the north Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal (BoB or bay) and the Eastern Arabian Sea (EAS) receive a huge amount of rainfall during summer. Several rivers along their boundaries discharge enormous amounts of freshwater ... -
Studies into Embodied and Operational Energy in Traditional and Conventional Residential Buildings in India
The role of the built environment and the construction industry in sustainable development gained global attention due to their significant share in global warming, GHG emissions, energy demand and depletion of non-renewable ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Intermetallic Coatings by Laser Cladding and Novel Ball Milling Approach
The aim of the present work is to engineer a new kind of coating material with superior quality and reliability in a cost effective way by laser cladding and ball milling process. Non equilibrium processing methods were ... -
Behaviour of Granular Materials Under Shock and Blast Loading - A Shock Tube Investigation
Granular and porous materials based protective layers have proven to be very good shock absorbing medium. Although sand material is widely used (as sand bags) till date in civil and military applications as a blast mitigating ... -
Synthesis and Phase Transformation Studies of Al45Mn55 Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloy
The aim of the present thesis work was to synthesize and explore the phase transformation behavior of a binary Heusler alloy based on AlMn system. The intermetallic phase with the stoichiometry AlMn, which is usually termed ... -
Mapping the Transient Morphologies and Demixing Behavior of Polystyrene/ Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blend in the Presence of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Multiphasic materials with precise structures are essential in designing materials for applications in various diverse areas like sensors, photovoltaics, porous membranes, etc. The transient morphology developed during ... -
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Microstructure Formation in Multi-component Alloys
The length scale, composition, orientation of the phases in a material constitutes its microstructure. In order to appreciate the whole gamut of microstructures observed in multi-component alloys, an identification of the ... -
Development of Microstructure, Texture and Residual Stresses during Friction Stir Processing of Aluminium Alloys
Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is emerging as one of the most competent Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) methods for producing bulk ultra-fine grained materials with improved properties. The significant advantage of FSP ... -
Electric Field Driven Structural Transformations in BaTiO3 and Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) based Piezoceramics
Ferroelectrics are important class of functional materials that finds application in transducers, actuators, memory devices, electro-optics and position sensing devices. Until recently, the high performance piezoelectrics ... -
Algiculture - A Novel Algae Cultivation Technique for Sustinable Algal Biofuel Production and Capture of Green House Gases
Algal biofuel has been shown to have great potential to solve the World’s sustainable energy crisis but technologies for large-scale cultivation are still elusive. While photobioreactors meet very high value algal products ...