Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 661-680 of 1880
Evaporation Driven Oscillations and Particle Agglomeration in Pure and Complex Fluid Sessile Droplets
A sessile droplet forms a fundamental building block in analyzing particle distribution and deposition in both industrial applications and lab on a chip research such as inkjet printing, surface patterning, photonic crystals, ... -
Studies on Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium AA2024 Alloy to Pure Copper
Aluminium-copper joints are widely used in electrical applications due to their unique properties. However, joining of these metals by conventional welding techniques is restricted due to the formation of brittle (bulk ... -
Experimental and numerical studies on Mode-I ductile fracture behaviour of Magnesium
In recent years, weight reduction of automobiles is being achieved by using light weight metals like magnesium (Mg) in the form of cast or wrought products. However, the structural application of Mg and its alloys is limited ... -
Liquid bridge breakup and detachment dynamics investigated using dynamic domain multiphase flow simulations
Liquid bridges, formed between two solid surfaces in close proximity are encountered in a variety of engineering and daily life applications. The dynamics of a liquid bridge including its evolution that typically involves ... -
Estimation and Control of Friction in Bulk Plastic Deformation Process
Friction plays a significant role in bulk plastic deformation processes in controlling the tool life, formability of the work piece material and the quality of the finished product such as, surface finish, microstructure ... -
Seismic response of Geocell Retaining walls
Use of tensile reinforcement for improving the seismic stability of retaining walls has gained considerable attention in recent times and has become a very common practice. Compared to planar geosynthetic materials, geocells ... -
Non-classical mechanics and thermodynamics for continuum modelling of solids
This thesis dwells upon several aspects of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics to model elastic and inelastic response of solids. Broadly, the work presented may be categorized into two parts{ one focusing on the ... -
Strain-rate Dependence of Rock Joint Strength and Related Stability of Slopes and Tunnels
Understanding the strain rate-dependent strength behavior of rock joints is important since displacement rates along rock joints in field can exceed the suggested displacement rates (0.02 mm/min-0.5 mm/min) for laboratory ... -
Semi-active Control of Earthquake Induced Vibrations in Building Structures using MR Dampers: Algorithm Development and Benchmark Application
The thrust of this thesis is the development of two different kinds of feed-forward control strategy using the semi-active device MR damper to monitor MR damper supply current/voltage. The study develops a feed-forward ... -
Constrained Optimal Guidance Design of Interceptors for High-Speed Ballistic Targets
In this thesis, optimal control theory has been applied to design constrained terminal guidance algorithms for interceptor to destroy incoming high speed ballistic targets. There exist several optimal guidance algorithms ... -
Flame Particle Tracking Analysis of Turbulence-Premixed Flame Interaction
This work describes the computational and theoretical developments made in the understanding of turbulence-premixed flame interaction, using both lean and rich H2-air mixtures, in a flow field of near-isotropic turbulence. ... -
Experimental Investigation on Hypersonic Flowfield Around Spiked Axisymmetric Bodies
Shock-shock interactions appearing around hypersonic vehicles are generally complex and often lead to high values of localized pressures and temperatures. This increase in temperature is associated with exceedingly high ... -
Experimental Studies on Co-current downdraft Biomass Gasifier
The main theme of the work carried out and reported in this thesis is to understand the processes involved in a co-current downdraft biomass gasification reactor and to analyse the data obtained with an attempt to provide ... -
Plasmon Phonon Coupled Dynamics of Nanocrystalline Structures
This thesis is an attempt to understand the characteristics and responses of plasmon phonon coupled dynamics in nanocrystalline structures. An energy based Lagrangian formulation is developed with fundamental field quantities ... -
Integrated Relative Position and Attitude Control of Distributed Spacecraft Formation For High Resolution Imaging
One of the major challenges in space technology is to achieve high resolution imaging of the intended area on demand to meet civilian and military applications. Spacecraft formation flying with coordinated control of smaller ... -
Structure and Dynamics of Fluids Under Nanoscale Confinement
Fluid molecules confined between solid surfaces separated by a few nanometers are of considerable interest in nanoscience and nanotechnology as they undergo structural and dynamical transitions absent in their corresponding ... -
Modelling and Experimental Studies on Dynamic Behaviour of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors
lectrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs) can store and deliver electrical energy at high power density with long cycle life, and can absorb peak charge/discharge loads. EDLCs can be used with batteries to insulate ... -
Formulation of A Framework for Needs Analysis and Stakeholders' Behavioral Simulation for Design for the BOP
Poverty, and associated undesirability, distinguishes a population as Base of the (economic) Pyramid (BoP). Lack of necessities and vulnerability negatively affect the well-being of BoP populations. Literature reveals ... -
Characteristics of Convective Clouds Over the Indian Monsoon Zone from Weather Radar Data
Deep convective clouds play an important role in global energy balance through vertical transport of water vapor, momentum and energy, altering radiation and also influence hydrological cycle via precipitation. These clouds ... -
Engineering Bioactive Polymer/Ceramic Composite Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Tissue repair and regeneration is a natural healing process seen in human body in response to injuries and infections. The regenerative capacity of most tissues decelerates with age and its associated pathological conditions. ...