Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 541-560 of 1878
Statics of Shallow Bistable Arches
Bistable arches have two force-free stable equilibrium configurations. They also show multimodality by switching between their stable states in multiple deformation pathways. These two attributes and their nonlinear ... -
Intraseasonal Variability in Aquaplanet Configuration of Community Atmosphere Model
The Intraseasonal Oscillation (ISO) plays an important role to modulate deep convective activity in the tropical region. In this thesis, I aim to understand the role of land and warm oceans in ISO, using a general ... -
Sustainable and Energy Efficient Treatment Potential of Mixed Algal Consortia for High Nutrient Organic Wastewaters
The increasing levels of generation of nutrient rich wastewaters around the world pose serious challenges where conventional biological and chemical methods of treatment have gradually begun to fail in meeting sustainability ... -
Hammer Energy Ratios of Different Spt Setups Using Indigenous Hammer Energy Measurement Apparatus
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is carried using different components and lifting mechanisms, which causes variation in energy efficiency and the inverse relationship between energy transferred to drill rod and N value was ... -
Investigating the role of mantle convection in affecting surface deformation and topography in the Indian plate and the India-Eurasia collision zone
The India-Eurasia collision zone has been a subject of various studies that have tried to explain the forces behind the high elevation and large scale continental deformation in this region. However, the relative contribution ... -
GRACE-based Assessment of Climatic Controls on Hydrological Variables
Anthropogenic climate change is now well-established and is expected to have serious implications on Terrestrial Hydrologic cycle. This inspired scientific investigation to assess the impact of various climatic processes ... -
Fatigue Crack Growth in Roller-Rocker and Rocker Bearings of Railway Steel Bridges
Indian Railways comprise a major part of the infrastructure in India. Most of the transportation of raw materials, goods, and people from different parts of the country is done by the railways. To cope with the ever-increasing ... -
Torque transport, mean velocity profiles and turbulent statistics of a wide-gap Taylor Couette flow
Wall-bounded turbulent flows that possess finite curvature of the mean flow streamlines are known to be starkly different from their plane counterparts. One of the primary distinguishing features of such flows is the ... -
Phase Behaviour of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles : A Study of Binary Nanoparticle Superlattices
Binary nanoparticle superlattices or BNSL’s have been a major area of research in nanotechnology for the last decade. The conventional lithographic techniques are limited to fabricate features only within a plane while ... -
Evaluation of Btex Contamination in Bengaluru Groundwater and Remediation of Contaminated Water Samples
BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers) are monoaromatic, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with single benzene ring and various degree of alkylation. US EPA classifies benzene and TEX (toluene, ethylbenzene, ... -
Characterization of high enthalpy flows in the IISc free-piston driven shock tunnel using Two-Colour Ratio Pyrometry
High temperature and its associated effects set the hypersonic flow regime apart from other class of flows. Viscous dissipation raises the internal energy of the high-kinetic-energy gas as it slows down in the boundary ... -
Dynamics of Actuated and Interacting Swirl Premixed Flames in Model Gas Turbine Combustors
Lean premixed combustion is preferred in gas turbines because of the reduced (NOx) emissions. However, the combustors operating in lean premixed regime could suffer from problems like flame flashback, flame blowoff and ... -
Concentration Gradient Driven Natural Convection in Soluble Lead Redox Flow Batteries
Low cost and long cycle-life energy storage systems are needed to harness renewable sources of energy at large scale. Among the options available, redox ow batteries (RFB) offer the maximum potential. The vanadium based ... -
Evaluation of Hygrothermal Ageing In Cfrp Composite Material: A Study Using Non-destructive Techniques
Advanced composite materials are replacing conventional metals/alloys in aerospace industries due to their excellent strength and stiffness-to-density ratio as well as some other better physical and mechanical properties ... -
Numerical solution of non-classical beam and plate theories using di erential quadrature method
For effcient design of the nano/micro scale structural systems, detailed analysis and through understanding of size-dependent mechanical behaviour at nano/micro scale is very critical. Various approaches have been used ... -
Design, Fabrication and Application of In situ Total Internal Reflection (TIR) Raman Tribometer For the Chemical Analysis of Tribological Systems
In conventional tribological experiments that study friction and wear behavior of materials, the contact interface is hidden by the contacting bodies. The physical or chemical phenomena taking place at the interface must ... -
Spatial downscaling and analysis of satellite and ground-based rainfall for hydrological modelling
Precipitation is a vital element of the global hydrological and energy cycles, which is intermittent and highly variable in both space and time. Accurate measurements of precipitation at various space and time scales are ... -
Effect of High-Pressure Torsion and Natural Ageing on Hardness, Electrical Resistivity and Fatigue Properties of Commercially Pure Cu
Commercially pure Cu was processed through high-pressure torsion (HPT) at a pressure of 6 GPa starting from ¼ up to 50 turns. These samples were then naturally aged for 1.75 years under the laboratory condition. Subsequently, ... -
Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change : Detection and Attribution
Detecting, quantifying, and modelling the effects of human-induced climate change in regional hydrology is important for studying the impacts of such changes on the water resources systems as well as for reliable future ... -
Seismic Site Classification and Response Studies of Shallow Bedrock Sites
Among all-natural hazards, earthquakes are the most damaging in terms of loss of lives and damage to infrastructure. Amplification and liquefaction are the major effects of earthquake that cause massive damages to ...