Development of Seismic Design Spectra For Shallow and Deep Soil Sites Considering Region Specific Parameters
Earthquakes are among the deadliest in all the natural disasters and have affected
many people in the last few decades. The efforts to reduce or mitigate the impact of
earthquakes have become increasingly focused upon in both developed and developing
countries. Theory of plate tectonics and Engineering Seismology have helped to
understand the physics of earthquakes and predict the hazards associated with it. Even
after the improvement in building codes and level of preparedness, the mortality rate is
alarming in the developing counties like India. However, until today the regional scale
hazard mapping in terms of return period has been not fully implemented in India. In
India, urban centres and cities are more susceptible to high earthquake hazard due to high
population density, improper planning, poor land use and substandard construction
practices. The first and foremost step to reduce earthquake disaster is to develop the
seismic hazard map and arrive at design parameters at the surface due to the presence of
deep and shallow soil deposits. The primary objective of the present study is to develop a
new design response spectrum for the deep and shallow soil sites of the Indian
subcontinent with seismic site classification considering regional parameters.
To achieve the objective, the study is divided into four major parts and presented as
contributing chapters in this thesis.
A significant variation of design spectral values has been observed in four
different seismic ground motion bins in shallow and deep soil sites. Design spectrum that
accounts soil amplification at shallow and deep sites and seismicity variation in SI and
the Himalayan region has been developed for the first time in this study. These spectra
may be considered as a replacement of IS 1893 design spectrum, which does not account
variation in seismicity and amplification due to shallow and deep soil sites in India.
- Civil Engineering (CiE) [352]