Transport, localization and entanglement in disordered and interacting systems: From real space to Fock space
In this thesis, we explore some of the exciting physics of condensed matter systems
manifested because of imperfection or disorder and interactions among the constituent
particles. In phenomena like transport, e.g., electrical current; localization, e.g.,
confinement of electrons only within a small part of a system; entanglement (a
correlation among the constituents particle); disorder and interaction play essential
roles. These three properties are our main focus in the thesis.
There are six chapters. In the first chapter, we introduce a few landmarks in the
field to set the stage and give an overview of the works presented in the thesis. In the
second chapter, we consider quasi-disordered or quasiperiodic systems in one, two, and
three dimensions, where the quasi-disorder is deterministic but non-repeating
throughout a lattice and considered from. Metal-insulator transitions in these systems
are probed by calculating conductances and their change with system size. More
specifically, we look at the systems from the perspective of single-parameter scaling
theory. In the third chapter, we consider both the disordered and quasi-disordered
systems with interactions. The systems show transitions from thermal to many-body
localized phases, and we study them in Fock space, which is a natural description for an
interacting system. We exploit the Fock space structure to calculate the propagator or
Green’s function in an iterative way to push the system size accessible in the exact
calculations. We define a length scale in Fock space, which can detect the phase transition
and distinguish between the disordered and the quasi-disordered systems. In the fourth
chapter, motivated by an experiment, we study the electrical current and noise therein in
a disordered quantum Hall system in the proximity of a superconductor. To our surprise,
the quantum Hall conductance plateau in the system comes with noise in the current as
also observed in the experiment, and the calculated quantities match pretty well with the
observed values. In the fifth chapter, we study the entanglement entropy of an interacting
fermionic system using a new saddle-point approximation similar to a mean-field
approximation. The approximation is based on a newly developed path integral approach
for calculating the entanglement entropy. In the last chapter, we conclude the thesis by
summarizing the important findings of our works presented in the thesis with some
future directions.
- Physics (PHY) [462]