Studying bubbles in liquid He4 containing single and many electrons
Helium is an inert element with fully occupied orbitals and is a super
fluid at low
temperatures. An electron close to the surface of liquid Helium faces a long range
attraction due to the finite polarizability of the bulk Helium, and a close range
repulsion of 1 eV potential from the valence electrons due to Pauli's Exclusion
Principle. Due to this, electrons get trapped on the surface, forming a two dimensional
electron gas (2DES). If the density of this charged surface surpasses
a critical value, Electro-Hydrodynamic (EHD) instabilities are formed leading to
the formation of Multi Electron Bubbles (MEB). These are micron sized cavities
containing a layer of electrons on its inner surface. On the other hand if an energetic
electron is injected into bulk Helium, once the electron is thermalized, it
repels the Helium atoms and forms a spherical cavity of radius 19 A, known
as a Single Electron Bubble (SEB). This system is a textbook example of an electron
in a finite spherical potential well with
flexible walls. In this thesis we present
studies done on MEBs as well as SEBs inside liquid Helium4.
So far, there have been limited measurements on MEBs which have been transient
in nature. Here we present experiments where we were able to manipulate
MEBs in an electromagnetic trap, observe these bubbles for long periods, and
image them at high speeds enabling us to measure their properties, like radius,
mass and charge in a completely non-destructive way. Some MEBs were observed
to shrink and ultimately disappear. This was due to the condensation of vapour
inside the MEB into the cooler liquid. Based on this model we developed a theory
along with numerical simulations, and compared the results with many MEBs
that were observed to collapse. We found good agreement between our observation
and the prediction. We also present a simple analytical formula that relates
the initial radius of the MEB to the collapse time. Shrinking causes the surface
charge density of MEBs to vary widely paving the path to observe various phases
and phase transitions in a 2DES.
SEBs have been theoretically and experimentally studied over the past many
years, but there lies much scope to study them further. Here we describe an
experiment to measure the lifetime of the first excited state (1P) of the SEB very
close to the lambda transition temperature using a cavitation method. Previous
theoretical studies have calculated this to be 40 s from considerations of radiative
decay. Our experimental value is about 40 ns, which agrees well with a previous
experiment implying that the lifetime of the 1P state is governed by some unknown
non-radiative process. Our experiment also suggests that the lifetime does not
depend strongly on the surrounding temperature, implying that the normal
fraction does not play a major role in the non-radiative processes governing the
bubble decay.
Following this, we present a design of an experiment to probe the quantum
structure of the SEB spectroscopically, extending the previous spectroscopic measurements
of the 1P state by exciting the 1P bubble. Using experimentally and theoretically
known properties of the SEB, we built a model of the energy transitions
and simulated an experiment to optically probe the SEB for various experimental
parameters, and estimated quantities that can be experimentally measured. The
expected absorption signals were calculated to be very small ( 107) making the
experiment extremely challenging to perform. Through our analysis we show that
it is not possible to perform using our current experimental setup but this experiment
can potentially resolve many questions regarding the 1P state for which
contradictory studies exist.
- Physics (PHY) [467]