Engineering topological surface states through structural control, electrostatic gating and superconducting proximity effects
Three dimensional topological insulators are materials characterized by a gapped
insulating bulk and gapless metallic states on the sample surface. This unique be-
havior arises out of the non-trivial topology of the bulk band structure and lends
a host of exotic properties to such materials. Speci fically, surface states in topo-
logical insulators are described by spin-helical Dirac fermions where the direction
of spin is locked to its momentum. A rich spectrum of exotic physical phenomena
are predicted to arise from the manipulation of topological surface states and their
response to disorder, interactions, magnetic and superconducting order. Experi-
mentally, however, robust access to topological surface states has presented itself
as a formidable challenge. Even after a decade of their discovery, topological insula-
tors remain arcane materials and their surface states remain elusive to experimental
detection and manipulation. In this thesis, we solve this problem and achieve un-
precedented control over topological surface states, enable their manipulation using
electrostatic gating and study their response to proximity induced superconducting
- Physics (PHY) [469]