Some results on Spectral spaces and Spectral sequences
This thesis is made up of two independent parts. We begin the first part by showing that
the collection of all prime ideals of a monoid or, in other words, the spectrum of a commutative
monoid, endowed with the Zariski topology is homeomorphic to the spectrum
of a ring, i.e., it is a spectral space. Spectral spaces were introduced by M. Hochster and
are widely studied in the literature. On the other hand, the theory of monoids became
relevant in the context of what is known as “absolute algebraic geometry”. In this work, we
present several naturally occurring classes of spectral spaces using commutative algebra
on pointed monoids. We prove that the collection of all ideals as well as the collection
of all proper ideals of a monoid are also spectral spaces. The notion of A-sets over a
monoid A is the analogue of the notion of modules over a ring. We introduce closure
operations on monoids and thereby obtaining natural classes of spectral spaces using finite
type closure operations on A-sets. In the process, different notions of closure operations
like integral, saturation, Frobenius and tight closures are introduced for monoids inspired
by the corresponding closure operations on rings from classical commutative algebra. We
also study their persistence and localization properties in detail. Next, we make a study
of valuation on monoids and prove that the collection of all valuation monoids having the
same group completion forms a spectral space. We also prove that the valuation spectrum
of any monoid gives a spectral space. Finally, we prove that the collection of continuous
valuations on a topological monoid whose topology is determined by any finitely generated
ideal also gives a spectral space.
The other part of this thesis is on categorical generalization of certain results in Hopf algebra
theory. This relies on the celebrated “ring with several objects” interpretation of
a small preadditive category introduced by B. Mitchell. In this framework, “H-category”
plays the role of a Hopf module algebra and similarly co-H-category generalizes a Hopf comodule
algebra. These Hopf module categories were first considered by Cibils and Solotar.
In our work, we study cohomology of certain relevant classes of modules over H-category
and co-H-category using Grothendieck spectral sequences.
- Mathematics (MA) [163]