Study of room temperature coupling of colloidal quantum dots to plasmonic arrays and metamaterials: from single quantum dot to quantum dot assemblies
There is much current interest in coupling emitters, such as fluorescing dye molecules and semiconductor
quantum dots to plasmonic systems. Controlling the electromagnetic interactions between quantum
emitters and the plasmonic system in the weak, intermediate, and strong coupling regimes has focused
on an intense research effort in recent years. The weak and intermediate coupling regimes are associated
with enhancement of the emission and absorption rates of nearby resonant emitters, while the strong
coupling regime allows for coherent energy transfer between emitters and plasmonic system. Interest
in this topic is motivated by the ability of plasmonic system to confine light to sub diffraction-limited
mode volumes, which can drive coherence effects in collective quantum emitter systems, leading to
applications in coherent light generation, photochemistry, quantum information processing, and quantum
photonic fluids. In the first part of my thesis, I will discuss the experimental and theoretical study
of room-temperature tunable coupling of single-photon emitting colloidal quantum dots(CQDs) to localised
and delocalised modes in plasmonic nanocavity arrays using second-order photon correlation
and time-resolved photoluminescence measurement. We will also discuss experimental evidence of
indirect excitation of remote CQDs mediated by both the modes in the plasmonic arrays and propose
a model to explain these observations. The second part of my thesis focuses on room temperature
strong coupling between excitons in CQD assembly and surface lattice resonances in Plasmonic lattices
and the emergence of the additional polaritonic peak in photoluminescence spectra of strongly coupled
CQD-plasmonic lattice hybrid templates. In the third work, we will discuss the experimental and theoretical
study of long-range optical energy propagation due to strongly coupled CQD-plasmonic lattice
devices.The last part of my thesis focuses on the observation of photonic spin momentum locking in
achiral CQD coupled to a special class of plasmonic metamaterial with hyperbolic isofrequency, known
as hyperbolic metamaterial(HMM). We provide a theoretical explanation for the emergence of spin momentum
locking through rigorous modeling based on photon Green’s function where pseudo spin of
light arises from coupling of CQDs to evanescent modes of HMM.
- Physics (PHY) [469]