Physics (PHY): Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 469
Quantum oscillation in band insulators and properties of non-equilibrium steady states in disordered insulators
Starting with the experiment on Kondo insulator SmB6 , which shows 1/B-periodic oscillations despite the absence of gapless electronic excitations in bulk, the candidate insulators showing quantum oscillation (QO) are on ... -
Active matter: chirality, translational order, and interfaces
My PhD work is on chiral active matter with solid and fluid directions, dynamics of the interface of a nonconserved chiral order parameter in an active system, flocking on curved manifolds and field-driven colloids in ... -
Investigation of Optical and Electro-optical Effects at Material Interfaces
The key questions addressed in this thesis are related to light-matter interactions at the material interfaces and are related to both plasmonic as well as Pockels effects. Plasmonics enables the design of compact photonic ... -
Exploring dissipation dynamics in low-dimensional superconductor
Technological advances in the past decade in fabricating two-dimensional superconducting materials with low disorder have enabled exploring many exciting phases. In recent times, two-dimensional superconductors have been ... -
Activity induced phase separation and the emergence of liquid crystal phases in chiral and achiral systems, and development of an efficient method to compute the entropy of various liquid crystal phases
The phase behaviour of shape-anisotropic particles is an emerging field of research that gives rise to various liquid crystal phases. In this thesis, we explore various equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of ... -
An Investigation of Electronic Phases and Charge Dynamics in Low-Dimensional System
In condensed matter physics, the concepts of topology and symmetry are of paramount importance, particularly in understanding quantum phase transitions. Topology classifies objects based on their topological properties, ... -
Investigations on deep-level defects in HgTe nanocrystals-based photovoltaic devices using a novel instrumentation for Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
Colloidally produced nanocrystals (NCs) arranged in thin films hold promise for next-generation semiconductors. These NCs offer tunability in semiconductor properties due to their size, shape, composition, and surface ... -
Electronic behavior of epitaxial thin films of doped rare-earth nickelates
Rare-earth nickelates (RENiO3), a family of transition metal oxides, exhibit a complex phase diagram involving electronic, magnetic, and structural phase transitions. While LaNiO3 remains paramagnetic, metallic down to ... -
Structural signatures of relaxation mechanisms in glass forming and devitrifying colloidal suspensions
Connecting macroscopic behavior of matter to the microscopic interactions is the central goal of condensed matter physics. Yet, achieving such a challenging goal in atomic and molecular systems would require tracking all ... -
Phonon anomalies in pyrochlores and 2D materials under extreme conditions: Insights from Raman spectroscopic studies
In solids, electrons do not behave as separate particles but instead interact intensely to form quasiparticles, which couple with other quasiparticles such as phonon, plasmon, and exciton to generate emergent quantum ... -
Superconducting qubit-based hybrid devices
Quantum technology has potential applications in many areas of science and engineering. Recently, there has been significant progress in developing hybrid quantum devices using a superconducting qubit platform. The hybrid ... -
Structural and Thermoelectric Studies of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 Based Chalcogenide Alloys and Nanocomposites
Thermoelectricity is one of the potential solutions for the rapidly increasing energy demand. Thermoelectric generators can turn waste heat into usable energy. Due to their effectiveness in the 300 K to 500 K temperature ... -
Investigation of Structural relaxation in IV - V -VI Chalcogenide glasses for Infrared applications
Chalcogenide glasses are well known for their application in infrared transmission and sensing. These glasses are usually prepared by quenching the melt. The arrangement of atoms in the liquid state gets arrested into ... -
Magnetically powered helical nanoswimmers
From flocking birds to migrating cells, ‘active matter’ is ubiquitous in the natural world. Almost all known life forms are based on self-propelled entities working collectively to create large-scale structures, networks, ... -
Mechanical Properties of Nucleic Acids in Bulk and Under Confinement and Their Interaction with Peptide
Proteins, DNA and RNA are arguably the most studied biological molecules with curiously interconnected relation that appears ubiquitous in all organisms. Almost all nucleoprotein interactions and DNA manipulation events ... -
Effect of As and Se substitution on the Phase Change properties of GeTe based alloys
Phase-change memory (PCM) is a key enabling technology for non-volatile electrical data storage at the nanometer scale. A PCM device consists of a small active volume of phase-change material between two electrodes. In ... -
Quantized heat flow probing thermal equilibration and edge structures of quantum Hall phases in graphene
In condensed matter physics, usually, phases are described using Landau’s approach, which characterizes the phases in terms of underlying symmetries that are spontaneously broken. Over the past few decades, a different ... -
Detection of charge-neutral modes to spin-wave excitations in graphene quantum Hall, and periodic magnetic field effect on Dirac electrons
In the quantum Hall (QH) regime, the electrical transport happens along the downstream chiral edge modes (dictated by the external magnetic field) while the bulk remains a vanilla insulator. However, it has been theoretically ... -
Investigation of twisted bilayer graphene using electrical and thermoelectric transport
The ability to tune the twist angle between di erent layers of two-dimensional materials has opened up a new dimension to band engineering in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures. By taking advantage of the formation of ... -
Study on optical and electrical transport properties of twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides
Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures, where dissimilar atomically thin vdW crystals are vertically assembled, have initiated a new paradigm to create flexible multifunctional devices. Despite the weak nature of vdW ...