Physics (PHY): Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 469
Development and Characterization of Mercury Cadmium Telluride Colloidal Quantum Dot Based Infrared Optical Sensor
Motivation of this thesis is to synthesize HgCdTe quantum dots responsive in MWIR spectral range using chemical synthesis method and develop room temperature operated MWIR focal plane array using commercial silicon ROIC ... -
Fluctuations in quantum transport in topological insulators
Topological insulators (TIs) belong to a new class of materials characterized by linear surface states, which emerge in the bulk band gap due to non-trivial topology of the band structure. These surface states have various ... -
Study of Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Doped and Vacancy Induced BiCuSeO
About 70% of the heat generated for energy production is wasted and thermoelectric generators can capture this waste heat and convert it into useful electricity. The stability at high temperature in the ambient atmosphere ... -
Effect of a fast flux line on the coherence of 3D transmon qubits
With the development of the science and technology, the quantum computers are becoming the possible key to reveal new breakthroughs. Unlike the classical computers, where we have classical bits (0or1), in quantum computation ... -
Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of RxCo4Sb12 (R=In, Ba) with InSb/GaSb Nano Inclusions
Almost 80% of the world’s energy needs depend on oil, coal and natural gases. Use of natural gases, fossil fuels emit a large amount of CO2 to the earth’s atmosphere, which causes the greenhouse effect and results in an ... -
1H-NMR Study of Proton Glasses - Nuclear Spin Lattice Relaxation in BPxBPI(1-x) and BPxGPI(1-x) - Effects of Disorder on the Proton Group Dynamics
Mixed systems made from a combination of ferroelectric (FE) and antiferroelectric (AFE) compounds, exhibit various effects of disorder in different temperature regions. The kind of effects observed, depend on the technique ... -
Geometrical and Topological Properties of CMB Polarization Fields
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a relic from the early Universe. It was generated due to the physical processes in the early Universe during an epoch known as the recombination or decoupling epoch. The CMB has highly ... -
Study of Exciton Dynamics in MoS2 Monolayer and MoS2-QD Heterostructure
The recent studies of two-dimensional semiconductors (2D) and their hybrid structure with zero-dimensional (0D) semiconductors have led to discovering of many fascinating properties that are absent in their bulk counterparts. ... -
Dielectric, Mechanical, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Shielding properties of Carbon nanomaterial embedded Polydimethylsiloxane composites
Composites are the advanced engineering materials invented by men with exceptional properties over traditional materials. These attractive and delightful materials are the result of developments in the area of engineering ... -
Experimental Studies in Quantum Optics using Diode Lasers
This thesis discusses experimental studies with vapor cells containing rubidium (Rb) or cesium (Cs) atoms. Transitions in the atoms (D1 and D2 lines) are accessed using diode lasers. Experiments are performed at room ... -
Optical, Electrical and Photo-physical Investigations of Cd(Hg)Te Nanostructures Synthesized by Solvothermal Method
The thesis investigates the optical, photo-physical, and electrical properties of CdTe and HgCdTe nano- and micro-structures synthesized by hydrothermal/solvothermal technique. Application oriented studies like fluorescence ... -
Mesoscopic Heat engines beyond the Limits of Thermodynamics
Despite the central role that Equilibrium thermodynamics has played in our understanding of many body systems, the underlying theoretical construct is strictly correct only in the ‘Thermodynamic Limit’. On the other hand, ... -
Structural Studies on Hybrid Peptides : Crystallographic Characterization of Sequences Containing Backbone Homologated, Monosubstituted, Unconstrained Gamma Amino Acid Residues
X-ray crystallographic studies of designed peptides provide definitive proof of the success of a design strategy and yield essential structural information that can be utilized in the future design of biologically and ... -
A Theoretical Study of Thermoelectric Effect for Cross-plane Transport Across Twisted Bilayer Graphene
The thermoelectric effect and the linear response theory is one of the most studied areas in condensed matter physics. In the last few years, the study of Van Der Waals heterostructure has become one of the most promising ... -
Rapid light sheet fluorescence microscopy for dynamic imaging of living organisms
The primary goal of this thesis is to develop a light sheet based microscopy system that provides non-invasive images having high spatial and temporal resolution. The fluorescence microscopy has become an indispensable ... -
Turbulent Mixing of Multiple-Passive-Scalars
We have studied the mixing of multiple forced passive scalars in 3D homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. The trends of the structure functions for a single scalar, although not very well resolved, seem to be similar to ... -
Electrical transport and noise in polycrystalline 2D van der Waals materials and their grain boundaries
The successful exfoliation of graphene in 2004 ushered in the era of 2D van der Waals materials, paving the way for a wide variety of applications in the field of electronics, optoelectronics, sensors, catalysis, flexible ... -
Physics and application of charge transfer in van der Waals heterostructures
Since the discovery of graphene, the field of 2D materials has garnered massive interest from a materials science, basic physics and device application point of view. This results from the diverse range of electronic and ... -
Dynamics and Organization of Passive and Magnetically Driven Colloids Under Optical Confinement
The physics of confined systems of interacting particles has been a subject of active research for more than a century. Such systems are ubiquitous in nature - examples include petroleum in porous rocks, cytoplasm in ... -
Electrical transport in 3-dimensional topological insulators
Topological insulators (TI) are a new class of materials in which gapped bulk states coexist with gapless surface-states having linear energy-momentum dispersion relation protected by time-reversal symmetry. These ...