Effect of a fast flux line on the coherence of 3D transmon qubits
With the development of the science and technology, the quantum computers are becoming
the possible key to reveal new breakthroughs. Unlike the classical computers, where we
have classical bits (0or1), in quantum computation we have qubits as the building block.
The primary and most important difference between the classical bit and qubit is the fact
that a qubit can be prepared in the superposition state of the ground and 1 st excited
state, and this can have finite probability to be detected in any of these states. However,
the environment or external noises can lead to the ‘decoherence’ and due to this the system
loses its quantum nature. Decoherence can come in two forms: the energy relaxation
process or the dephasing when qubit is prepared in superposition state. Now, by energy
relaxation it is meant that a qubit which is in a excited state (a stationary state) can eventually
decay to a lower energy state (the ground state). By dephasing it is meant that a
qubit prepared in a superposition state (non-stationary state)can acquire a random phase
as this wavefunction evolves in time. The times after which a quantum system loses its
quantum nature, either through a relaxation process or by dephasing process are called
decoherence times or more specifically T1 and T2 times respectively. That’s why while designing
a qubit, the coherence time is one of most important factors to keep in mind.
In this project, our main aim is to observe the effect of a fast-flux line on the decoherence
of a special category of superconducting qubit called Transman qubit, which was coupled
to a 3D cavity. We perform numerical simulation to estimate the coherences times, and try
to understand the decoherence induced by a fast-flux line.
- Physics (PHY) [469]