Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 921-940 of 1880
Mechanical Characterization of Adhesively Bonded Jute Composite Joints under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Conditions
(2018-03-15)Fiber-reinforced composites comprise an important class of lightweight materials which are finding increasing applications in engineering structures including body components of automobiles and aircraft. Traditionally, ... -
Testing the Hypothesis of Quorum Sensing in Vibrio fischeri : Luminescence, Motility, and Biofilm
(2018-03-15)The individual behaviour of prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria often gives rise to complexity that is commonly associated with multicellular behaviour. The transition from unicellular to multicellular behaviour occurs ... -
Linear Stability Models for Reacting Mixing Layers
(2018-03-12)We develop a physics-based reduced-order model of the aero-acoustic sound sources in reacting mixing layers as a method for fast and accurate predictions of the radiated sound. Instabilities in low-speed mixing layers are ... -
Influence of Chemical Coating on Droplet Impact Dynamics
(2018-03-09)Dynamic behavior of impacting water drops on superhydrophobic solid surfaces provides important details on the stability/durability of such solid surfaces. Multi-scale surface roughness combined with a layer of low energy ... -
Lattice Boltzmann Relaxation Scheme for Compressible Flows
(2018-03-09)Lattice Boltzmann Method has been quite successful for incompressible flows. Its extension for compressible (especially supersonic and hypersonic) flows has attracted lot of attention in recent time. There have been ... -
Wave Propagation in Healthy and Defective Composite Structures under Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Framework
(2018-03-08)Composite structures provide opportunities for weight reduction, material tailoring and integrating control surfaces with embedded transducers, which are not possible in conventional metallic structures. As a result there ... -
Effect of Particle Shape on the Mechanical Behaviour of Granular Media : Discrete Element Simulations
(2018-03-08)Granular materials are characterized by its discrete nature which makes their behaviour very complex to understand when subjected to various loading situations. Comparing other materials, the understanding of granular ... -
Static Balancing of Rigid-Body Linkages and Compliant Mechanisms
(2018-03-07)Static balance is the reduction or elimination of the actuating effort in quasi-static motion of a mechanical system by adding non-dissipative force interactions to the system. In recent years, there is increasing recognition ... -
Crystal Nucleation in Binary Hard Sphere Mixtures
(2018-03-06)Homogeneous crystal nucleation in binary hard sphere mixtures is an active area of research for last two decades. Although Classical nucleation theory (CNT) gives a qualitative picture, it fails at high super saturations ... -
Feasible and Intrinsic Kinetoelastostatic Maps for Compliant Mechanisms
(2018-03-06)Despite many advances in the design methods for compliant mechanisms, it is still not possible to know if a set of user-specifications has a solution. Furthermore, practical considerations such as failure limits and ... -
Microstructural Stability of Fully Lamellar and Duplex y-TiAl Alloys During Creep
(2018-03-06)γ-TiAl based alloys have attracted considerable research interest in the past few decades and have gained niche high temperature applications in aero-engines and automobiles. As high temperature structural materials, these ... -
Studies on Modified Clay Additives to Impart Iodide Sorption Capacity to Bentonite in the Context of Safe Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste
(2018-03-03)It is a generally agreed internationally that high level nuclear wastes containing long-lived radioactive wastes should be disposed in deep and stable geological formations that are 500-1000 m below ground level. Deep ... -
Some Experimental and Numerical Studies on Evaluation of Adhesive Bond Integrity of Composites Lap Shear Joints
(2018-03-02)Adhesive bonding which has been in use for long as a traditional joining method has gained ground in the last couple of decades due to the introduction of advanced composite materials into the aerospace industry. Bonded ... -
The Retrieval of Aerosols above Clouds and their Radiative Impact in Tropical Oceans
(2018-03-01)Aerosols affect the global radiation budget which plays an important role in determining the state of the Earth's climate. The heterogeneous distribution of aerosols and the variety in their properties results in high ... -
Studies into Thermal Transmittance of Conventional and Alternative Building Materials and Associated with Building Thermal Performance
(2018-03-01)The present investigation is focused on the thermal performance of building materials, specifically their thermal transmittance, and consequent impact on building envelope and building thermal performance. Thermal performance ... -
Dry Sliding Wear of Saffil Short Fibre Reinforced AZ91D Mg Alloy Composite
(2018-03-01)Magnesium alloys have emerged as a promising material for light-weighting due to their potential for higher weight saving compared with advanced high-strength steel, aluminium alloys and glass fibre reinforced polymer ... -
Bioremediation of Zinc using Pseudomonas Species - Mechanistic Studies and Biosensor Applications
(2018-03-01)The rivers, lakes and seas are the major water sources for the animal and plant kingdom in this earth. In recent times, the usage and wastage of water have been increasing due to the uncontrolled population growth. In ... -
Analysis of Rotating Beam Problems using Meshless Methods and Finite Element Methods
(2018-03-01)A partial differential equation in space and time represents the physics of rotating beams. Mostly, the numerical solution of such an equation is an available option as analytical solutions are not feasible even for a ... -
Time Dependent Deformations and High Temperature Effects on Different Types of Concrete : Experimental and Numerical Studies
(2018-03-01)Estimating the delayed strains in concrete, namely creep and shrinkage is very important to asses the condition of the structure. Time dependent deformations in concrete, both creep and shrinkage, play a critical role in ... -
Space-Time Evolution of the Intraseasonal Variability in the Indian Summer Monsoon and its Association with Extreme Rainfall Events : Observations and GCM Simulations
(2018-03-01)In this thesis, we investigated modes of intraseasonal variability (ISV) observed in the Indian monsoon rainfall and how these modes modulate rainfall over India. We identified a decreasing trend in the intensity of ...