Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 861-880 of 1880
Hybird Central Solvers for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
(2018-05-11)The hyperbolic conservation laws model the phenomena of nonlinear waves including discontinuities. The coupled nonlinear equations representing such conservation laws may lead to discontinuous solutions even for smooth ... -
Finite Element Modeling of Knee Joint to Study Tibio-Femoral Contact Machanics
(2018-05-10)Articular cartilage covers the articulating ends of diarthrodial joints. It plays a vital role in the function of the musculoskeletal system by allowing almost frictionless motion to occur between the articular surfaces ... -
Structural Modeling and Damage Detection in a Non-Deterministic Framework
(2018-05-08)Composite structures are extremely useful for aerospace, automotive, marine and civil applications due to their very high specific structural properties. These structures are subjected to severe dynamic loading in their ... -
Studies on Propagating and Non-Propagating Cracks in Concrete Under Fatigue Loading in the Short Crack Regime
(2018-05-01)Structural concrete is the most widely used material in the construction of bridges, pave-ments, runways, dams and other infrastructures which are subjected to uctuating loads during its service period. Concrete contains ... -
Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of a Turbocharger Compressor
(2018-05-01)This thesis constitutes detailed computational investigation on ow through the passages of a centrifugal compressor used for turbocharging applications. Given the dynamic nature of operation of the turbocharger, it becomes ... -
Endochronic Constitutive Model for Sands and Its Application to Geotechnical Problems
(2018-05-01)The introductions of large digital computers in the field of engineering have rendered possible the solution of a wide variety of problems without the need to violate the equilibrium and compatibility. The major requirement ... -
Dynamics of Droplets Under Support, Acoustic And/Or Ambient Flow Excitation
(2018-04-24)The first step on the way to understanding the complicated dynamics of spray is to study the behavior of isolated droplets. In many industrial and natural processes such as turbulent combustion, agricultural sprays, spray ... -
Investigation of Graphene Oxide Based Multilayered Capsules/Films for Drugs Delivery And Antimicrobial Applications
(2018-04-24)Polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules fabricated by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly technique consistsing of core-shell structure have emerged as potential drug delivery systems along with their applications in micro-reactors, ... -
Formation of Porous Metallic Nanostructures Electrocatalytic Studies on Self-Assembled Au@Pt Nanoparticulate Films, and SERS Activity of Inkjet Printed Silver Substrates
(2018-04-24)Porous, conductive metallic nanostructures are required in several fields, such as energy conversion, low-cost sensors etc. This thesis reports on the development of an electrocatalytically active and conductive membrane ... -
Microstructural Developments and Mechanical Properties of Electroless Ni-B Coating
(2018-04-24)Phase transformation behavior, micro structural development, mechanical and tribological properties of electroless Ni-B coating was characterized using different characterization techniques. As deposited electroless Ni-B ... -
Structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet in NCAR CAM-3.1 GCM
(2018-04-24)This thesis examines the structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) in a General Circulation Model (GCM). The TEJ is observed only during the Indian summer monsoon period and is strongest during July and August. The jet ... -
Monte Carlo Simulations with Variance Reduction for Structural Reliability Modeling, Updating and Testing
(2018-04-24)Monte Carlo simulation techniques have emerged as widely accepted computing tools in tackling many problems in modern structural mechanics. Apart from developments in computational hardware, which have undoubtedly made ... -
Structural, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric and Phase Transition Studies of Lead Free (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 Based Ceramics
(2018-04-23)Ferroelectric materials, especially the polycrystalline ceramics, are very promising material for a variety of applications such as high permittivity dielectrics, ferroelectric memories, piezoelectric sensors, piezoelect ... -
Monodisperse Gold Nanoparticles : Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Fabrication of Floating Gate Memory Devices
(2018-04-23)The emergence of novel electronic, optical and magnetic properties in ordered two-dimensional (2D) nanoparticle ensembles, due to collective dipolar interactions of surface plasmons or excitons or magnetic moments have ... -
Accurate and Efficient Algorithms for Star Sensor Based Micro-Satellite Attitude and Attitude Rate Estimation
(2018-04-18)This dissertation addresses novel techniques in determining gyroless micro-satellite attitude and attitude rate. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the possibility of using commercially available low cost ... -
Frequency Analysis of Floods - A Nanoparametric Approach
(2018-04-18)Floods cause widespread damage to property and life in different parts of the world. Hence there is a paramount need to develop effective methods for design flood estimation to alleviate risk associated with these extreme ... -
Analysis and Detection of Ionospheric Depletions over the Indian Region in the Context of Satellite Navigation
(2018-04-18)Satellites have revolutionized navigation by making it more universal, accessible and ac- curate. Global Positioning System (GPS) is the most widely used satellite navigation system in the world. However, it is prone to ... -
Dynamics and Stability of Multiple Jets in Geophysical Flows
(2018-04-18)The effect of rotation on the stability of multiple jets in planetary atmospheres is system- atically investigated. Typically in Jovian planetary atmospheres, multiple zonal jets have been observed and their morphology has ... -
Effect of Extractives and Crude Proteins on the Kinetics of Hydrolysis in a Solid State Bio-Reactor
(2018-04-18)Polymer hydrolysis is the first (and rate limiting) step for biomethanation of heterogeneous biomass feedstock’s. Satisfactory hydrolysis has been difficult to achieve, understand and predict adequately, to run anaerobic ... -
Modeling Salinity Impact on Ground Water Irrigated Turmeric Crop
(2018-04-18)Soils in irrigated fields are impacted by irrigation water quality. Salts in the irrigation water may accumulate in the soil depending on amount of leaching, the quality of water and type of ions present. Salinity is an ...