Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 1878
Studies on Fracture in Ductile Bulk Metallic Glasses
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) possess very attractive mechanical properties like high yield strength (~ 2 GPa), high elastic strain limit (2 %), and good corrosion resistance. BMGs display fracture toughness values (in mode ... -
Development of noble metal catalysts and detailed kinetic models for CO oxidation and water gas shift reactions
Noble metal (Pt, Pd, Rh) based catalysts have been highly effective for CO abatement applications such as CO oxidation and the water gas shift reaction (WGS). In the venture for development of novel catalysts, noble metal ... -
New Mechanical Methods to Join Sheets in Lap and Butt Configuration and Analytical Model to Predict and Improve Clinching Joint Strength
Mechanical joining of sheets has many advantages over other joining methods in terms of wide variety combination of similar, dissimilar and non-metallic material sheet joining. In conventional SPR joining, the rivet and ... -
Exotic eutectic microstructures
Solidification of eutectic systems delivers compelling examples of microstructure formation, which makes the phenomena intriguing to many engineers and scientists. Therefore, eutectic solidification is extensively studied ... -
Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V for Improved Performance in Biomedical Implants
Metals and alloys are extensively used to prepare a wide variety of biomedical implants. The commonly employed materials are stainless steel (SS), cp-Ti, Ti-6Al-4V, etc., because of their biocompatibility and corrosion ... -
Inverse problems solution using spectral finite element methods
Inverse problems are very challenging as these problems involve, finding the cause by analyzing the effects. In structural dynamics problems, the effects are normally measured in terms of dynamic responses in structures. ... -
Investigations into Incineration of Sanitary Napkin Waste Using Single Chamber Incinerator
Commercially available disposable sanitary napkins are the most common method of menstrual hygiene management in most urban regions of India (van Eijk, 2016) (Mathiyalagen et al., 2017). It is estimated that in India a ... -
Isogeometric based formulations for the bending analysis of laminated composite structural elements
Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is a family of numerical methods to solve boundary value problems. The founding principle of isogeometric methods is aimed at integrating computer aided design (CAD) with nite element method ... -
Studies on the behaviour of the fibre reinforced cement stabilised rammed earth
Cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) is a monolithic construction used for the loadbearing walls in the buildings and other structures. The soil, fine aggregates and cement form the basic materials for the CSRE construction. ... -
Rotational Temperature Measurement in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Atmospheric entry of a spacecraft is considered as one of the critical phases in any planetary mission. Although it lasts only for a few minutes, rapid heating and deceleration can cause severe problems to the spacecraft. ... -
Mechanics of Martensitic Phase transformation in shape memory alloys Experiments and modelling
Thermally activated NiTi based Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are of tremendous practical interest as actuators in varied engineering applications owing to its characteristic Martensitic Phase Transformation (MPT). The MPT in ... -
A geochemical and Nd-Sr-Ca isotopic study of silicate weathering, crustal recycling and petrogenesis of carbonatites
Weathering of silicate rocks releases cations and anions which are transported to the oceans by rivers where calcium carbonate precipitates from the seawater. This process results in the net consumption of atmospheric ... -
Spray Interaction with Supersonic Crossflow
The flow residence time in a scramjet combustor is of the order of a millisecond (10−3s). High energy density liquid fuels are the energy carriers of choice in scramjet engines, however liquid fuels must be atomized, ... -
Spectral Analysis of Wave Motion in Nonlocal Continuum Theories of Elasticity
Traditionally, in solid mechanics, classical continuum theories of elasticity have been an important tool in the examinations of behaviour of solids under external loads. However, due to absence of length scale information ... -
Development of a Flexible Actuator and Motion Planning for Endoscopic Robots
Endoscopy is a procedure by which a long flexible device called the `endoscope' is inserted into a patient's gastro-intestinal(GI) tract primarily for diagnosis. An endoscope is typically equipped with a camera, ... -
Structure property correlation studies on Ca-modified Ba(Ti, Zr/Sn)O3 piezoceramics
In this thesis we have investigated the structure, property correlation of the lead-free piezoelectric ceramic of (Ba,Ca) (Ti,Zr/Sn)O3 system. A self-consistent set of experimental techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction, ... -
Subsurface Profiling of Shallow Bedrock Sites by Integrated Approach and Site-specific 2d Site Response Analysis
Estimation of reliable site effects and amplifications are important for seismic design. There are several 1D and 2D large scale site response analyses were reported in the literature and very limited shallow bedrock small ... -
Biodiesel from Estuarine Microalgae - Diatoms
Rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves with the burgeoning demand, associated escalating GHG footprint, and changes in the climate necessitated the exploration of alternate sustainable energy resources that are renewable, ... -
A Unified Framework For Micromechanical Damage Modeling In Laminated Polymer Matrix Composites
A unified numerical framework for progressive damage analysis in polymer matrix composite (PMC) laminates has been developed by explicitly accounting for damage progression at the micro-level. A three-dimensional repeating ... -
Structural Reliability Estimation Using Markov Chain Splitting and Girsanov’s Transformation Based Methods
The work reported in this thesis is in the area of Monte Carlo simulation based methods for structural reliability estimation with special focus on strategies to reduce sampling variance of the estimator for the probability ...