Division of Mechanical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1061-1080 of 1885
Methodologies for Assessment of Impact Dynamic Responses
(2017-11-24)Evaluation of the performance of a product and its components under impact loading is one of the key considerations in design. In order to assess resistance to damage or ability to absorb energy through plastic deformation ... -
Synthesis of Conceptual Designs for Sensors
(2017-11-24)A computer-aided technique is developed in this thesis to systematically generate concepts for sensors of a wide variety. A database of building blocks, based on physical laws and effects that capture the transduction rules ... -
Atomization Characteristics of Camelina and Jatropha-Derived Drop-in Aviation Biofuels
(2017-11-22)Biofuels in civil aviation is actively studied in recent years to identify potential alternative jet fuels to meet stringent environmental regulations imposed to tackle degraded air quality caused by fossil fuel combustion. ... -
Mixing Enhancement Studies on Supersonic Elliptic Sharp Tipped Shallow (ESTS) Lobed Nozzles
(2017-11-22)Rapid mixing and spreading of supersonic jets are two important characteristics in supersonic ejectors, noise reduction in jets and fuel mixing in supersonic combustion. It helps in changing the acoustic and thermal signature ... -
Modeling of Solar Radiation Management : A Comparison of Simulations using Reduced Solar Constant and Stratospheric Aerosols
(2017-11-22)The climatic effects of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering have been often modeled by simply reducing the solar constant. This is most likely valid only for space sunshades and not for atmosphere and surface ... -
Laser-based Diagnostics and Numerical Simulations of Syngas Combustion in a Trapped Vortex Combustor
(2017-11-16)Syngas consisting mainly of a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other diluents, is an important fuel for power generation applications since it can be obtained from both biomass and coal gasification. Clean coal ... -
Non Motorized Transport Planning for an Indian City
(2017-11-16)Indian cities are currently facing various transportation issues like congestion, pollution, urban inequity, high fatality rate due to accidents etc. because of an increase in the ownership of private motor vehicles and ... -
Stochastic Modelling of Flexible Pavement Performance
(2017-11-16)Stochastic analysis provides a rationale for the treatment of uncertainties, founded on the principles of probability theory and statistics, and is concerned with a quantifiable measure of the confidence or the reliability ... -
Understanding High Speed Mixing Layers with LES and Evolution of Urans Modeling
(2017-11-15)This thesis is concerned with studies on spatially developing high speed mixing layers with twin objectives: (a) to provide enhanced and detailed understanding of spatial development of two-dimensional mixing layer emanating ... -
Finite Element Limit Analysis for Solving Different Axisymmetric Stability Problems in Geomechanics : Formulations and Solutions
(2017-11-15)Limit analysis is a very powerful tool to find accurate solutions of several geotechnical stability problems. This analysis is based on the theory of the plasticity and it provides two limiting solutions within lower and ... -
A Hydroclimatological Change Detection and Attribution Study over India using CMIP5 Models
(2017-11-14)As a result of increase in global average surface temperature, abnormalities in different hydroclimatic components such as evapotranspiration, stream flow and precipitation have been experienced. So investigation has to ... -
Effect of Li Addition on the Plasticity of AZ31 Mg-Alloy
(2017-11-14)Mg-alloys, despite being the lightest structural metallic materials, find limited applications due to their poor workability, which is due to the hcp structure that does not provide sufficient number of independent slip ... -
Unsteady Two Dimensional Jet with Flexible Flaps at the Exit
(2017-11-13)The present thesis involves the study of introducing passive exit flexibility in a two dimensional starting jet. This is relevant to various biological flows like propulsion of aquatic creatures (jellyfish, squid etc.) and ... -
Sustainability by Design : A Descriptive Model of Interaction and a Prescriptive Framework for Intervention
(2017-11-13)Introduction: Sustainability is humanity’s collective ability to sustain development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. Preceding closely ... -
Growth And Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures for Device Applications : Field Emission, Memristor And Gas Sensors
(2017-11-09)Zinc oxide (ZnO) is perhaps one of the most widely studied material in the last two decades. It has received so much of attention because of its incredible potential for wide ranging applications. ZnO is a wide band gap ... -
Wave Propagation in Sandwich Beam Structures with Novel Modeling Schemes
(2017-10-31)Sandwich constructions are the most commonly used structures in aircraft and navy industries, traditionally. These structures are made up of the face sheets and the core, where the face sheets will be taking the load and ... -
Stochastic Modelling of Vehicle-Structure Interactions : Dynamic State And Parameter Estimation, And Global Response Sensitivity Analysis
(2017-10-31)The analysis of vehicle-structure interaction systems plays a significant role in the design and maintenance of bridges. In recent years, the assessment of the health of existing bridges and the design of new ones has ... -
An Integrated Framework for Supporting Decision Making During Early Design Stages on End-of-Life Product Disassembly
(2017-10-31)Product life cycle (PLC) is the cycle which every product goes through from introduction to eventual demise. There are several issues with the current life cycle of a product when looked from the environmental impact ... -
Design & Fabrication of Bio-responsive Drug Carriers Based on Protamine & Chondroitin Sulphate Biopolymers
(2017-10-26)The present thesis focuses on the fabrication of bio-stimuli responsive micro- and nano-carriers for drug delivery applications. In particular, the objective of this work is to investigate the possibility of using polypeptide ... -
Autoflocculating Mixotrophic Algal Consortia Approach to Sustainable Wastewater Treatement
(2017-10-26)The phenomenon of rapid algal blooms in response to nutrient overloads has been adapted to treat synthetic domestic wastewater. Various algal consortia collected from several eutrophied water bodies were subject to high ...