Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 147
Analog Compute for Edge-AI: Devices, Circuits & SoC
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence research has yielded models with huge computational complexities to solve a multitude of problems. These complex models require substantial computational resources to perform ... -
Development and Characterization of Multi-finger GaN HEMT for Power switching applications
Power electronics is the branch that connects electricity and the world. Power devices play a significant role in reducing CO2 emissions and saving energy. As technology develops, the main focus is reducing energy consumption, ... -
Engineering Nano-Electronic Devices using 2-D Materials: CMOS Logic to Biosensing
Technology scaling has driven the development of semiconductor technology that forms a ubiquitous part of daily utilities such as smartphones, computers, and wearables. However, efforts to continue scaling have met ... -
Optical and Electrical Studies of Hybrid Nanomaterial Composites Based on Noble Metal Nanostructures
Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in noble metal nanoparticles like gold (Au) and silver (Ag) results in enhancements in optical absorption and scattering by the nanoparticles, accompanied by a dramatic ... -
Tailored Synthesis of Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Chemical Vapor Deposition and Next Generation Devices
The introduction of two dimensional (2D) materials in electronic device applications has provided a platform for several new device concepts and architectures. Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is the only insulator in the ... -
Deeply Scaled InAlN/GaN-on-Silicon High Electron Mobility Transistors for RF Applications
Wide bandgap gallium nitride (GaN) based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are promising candidates for next-generation radio frequency (RF) power amplifier applications owing to high electron saturation velocity ... -
Towards the development of open-chip digital microfluidics platform
Manipulating and utilizing fluid flows at microscale provides several opportunities towards technological advancement in different domains such as (but not limited to) lab-on-chip devices for mimicking biological laboratory ... -
Growth of hole-conducting Cu2O & CuO semiconductors using CVD for next-generation electronic devices: Thin Films Transistors, Memristors, and Gas Sensors
Semiconducting oxides with visible-range transparency and high electrical conductivity have tremendous potential for transparent CMOS devices. Oxide semiconducting materials are a good choice for emerging transparent ... -
2D Piezotronics: Performance to Functionality
In the pursuit of interactive electronic devices, there is a need for smart materials which can serve multiple functionalities. 2D (two-dimensional) layered materials have gained attention in semiconductor technology because ... -
Raman Spectroscopy on Few layer graphene
Graphene is a two-dimensional allotrope of carbon exhibiting planer honeycomb lattice structure.1 A carbon atom in graphene makes three σ-bonds with the neighbouring atoms in the plane and one π-bond perpendicular to the ... -
Strain engineering of 2D NEMS for resonant sensing
2D material-based nanoelectromechanical systems have emerged as excellent tools for force measurement with extreme sensitivity levels. Most sensing methods with 2D nanoelectromechanical (2D NEMS) systems utilize frequency ... -
Development and Performance Evaluation of the Flapping Wing with In-situ Piezoceramic Actuator
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are essentially automatic flight vehicles having dimensions, wingspan and airspeed, smaller than the conventional aerial vehicles. UAVs are employed widely in applications such as surveillance ... -
Investigation of Au-free AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Silicon with substrate transfer process: From Ohmic contacts to RF performance
The technological importance of III-nitride based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) for power switching and RF applications is growing rapidly, owing to two advantageous electrical properties. While high sheet ... -
Investigation of Growth, Structural and Optical properties of different phases of Ga2O3
Among the semiconducting sesquioxides, Ga2O3 has attracted considerable research attention in recent years due to its excellent properties, including direct ultra wide band gap, optical transparency, high excitonic binding ... -
Diabetogenesis and Albumin Molecular Modifications Newer Biological Insights and Clinical Implications
To address the many unmet scientific needs in diabetes care (pathogenesis pathways, earliest diagnosis, efficient monitoring, safer and better therapies and importantly prevention approaches), our research focussed on: (a) ... -
Development of High-Performance Piezoelectric Micromachined Transducers for Near Ultrasound
Near-ultrasound refers to sound with frequencies just above the range of human hearing, from about 18 to 40 kHz. This band is rarely used for typical ultrasound applications and is ignored for all except the most demanding ... -
Two-dimensional materials based artificial synapses for neuromorphic applications
The need and demand for continuous high-speed, energy-efficient hardware advancement is undisputed. Traditional computing system with von Neumann architecture leads to high energy consumption and latency due to a huge ... -
Design, Development and Testing of Cervical Dilatation Measurement System
Monitoring labour progression is of utmost importance, to avoid complications during childbirth. Frequent monitoring allows prevention, identification, and management of complications during childbirth. Improper monitoring ... -
Scanning Probe microscopy of van der Waals heterostructures and non-equilibrium magnetotransport in graphene
Graphene is a two-dimensional semimetal that has linear dispersion in energy-momentum space. When graphene is subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field, the dispersion is no longer linear, resulting in discrete energy ... -
Towards Design, Fabrication, Packaging, Integration, and Characterization of High-Performance MEMS Gyroscopes
MEMS vibratory gyroscopes are used to measure the angular rate of a body by sensing the Coriolis force induced motion of the sensing element vibrating in a rotating frame of reference. MEMS gyroscopes find use in a wide ...