Fourier Analysis On Number Fields And The Global Zeta Functions
The study of zeta functions is one of the primary aspects of modern number theory. Hecke was the first to prove that the Dedekind zeta function of any algebraic number field has an analytic continuation over the whole plane and satisfies a simple functional equation. He soon realized that his method would work, not only for Dedekind zeta functions and L–series, but also for a zeta function formed with a new type of ideal character which, for principal ideals depends not only on the residue class of the number(representing the principal ideal) modulo the conductor, but also on the position of the conjugates of the number in the complex field. He then showed that these “Hecke” zeta functions satisfied the same type of functional equation as the Dedekind zeta function, but with a much more complicated factor.
In his doctoral thesis, John Tate replaced the classical notion of zeta function, as a sum over integral ideals of a certain type of ideal character, by the integral over the idele group of a rather general weight function times an idele character which is trivial on field elements. He derived a Poisson Formula for general functions over the adeles, summed over the discrete subgroup of field elements. This was then used to give an analytic continuation for all of the generalized zeta functions and an elegant functional equation was established for them. The mention of the Poisson Summation Formula immediately reminds one of the Theta function and the proof of the functional equation for the Riemann zeta function. The two proofs share close analogues with the functional equation for the Theta function now replaced by the number theoretic Riemann–Roch Theorem. Translating the results back into classical terms one obtains the Hecke functional equation, together with an interpretation of the complicated factor in it as a product of certain local factors coming form the archimedean primes and the primes of the conductor.
This understanding of Tate’s results in the classical framework essentially boils down to constructing the generalized weight function and idele group characters which are trivial on field elements. This is facilitated by the understanding of the local zeta functions. We explicitly compute in both cases, the local and the global, illustrating the working of the ideas in a concrete setup. I have closely followed Tate’s original thesis in this exposition.
- Mathematics (MA) [163]