Browsing Electrical Engineering (EE) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 352
Accurate Estimation of Frequency and Phasor for Wide Area Monitoring and Control
Traditionally, monitoring and control functions in large power systems were based on measurements obtained locally. While small disturbances have their impact con ned locally to the area of disturbance, large disturbances ... -
Acoustic-Articulatory Mapping: Analysis and Improvements with Neural Network Learning Paradigms
Human speech is one of many acoustic signals we perceive, which carries linguistic and paralinguistic (e.g., speaker identity, emotional state) information. Speech acoustics are produced as a result of different temporally ... -
Active Power Flow Tracing for Preventive Control in Deregulated Power Systems
(2018-05-29)Modern day power systems present an open access environment, inspiring participation from small scale and large power suppliers. With multiple players in the system driven by the market, proper monitoring and control of ... -
Active Reactive Induction Motor - A New Solution For Load Commutated SCR-CSI Based High Power Drives
(2013-05-28)This thesis deals with a new solution for medium voltage drives. Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) fed synchronous motor drive is a popular solution for high power drive applications. Though the induction machine is more ... -
Adaptive Control Of A General Class Of Finite Dimensional Stable LTI Systems
(Indian Institute of Science, 2006-07-19)We consider the problem of Adaptive Control of finite-dimensional, stable, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) plants. Amongst such plants, the subclass regarding which an upper bound on the order is not known or which are known ... -
Adaptive Sampling Pattern Design Methods for MR Imaging
(2018-02-07)MRI is a very useful imaging modality in medical imaging for both diagnostic as well as functional studies. It provides excellent soft tissue contrast in several diagnostic studies. It is widely used to study the functional ... -
AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Based Hall Sensors for Magnetic Field Sensing over Wide Temperature Range
Hall sensor has proved to be an attractive solution for sensing requirements in electric machines for direct measurement of fields or indirect estimation of physical quantities such as current, speed and torque. Current ... -
Algebraic Techniques for Error Correction in Random Networks
Abstract The transmission of data in the presence of errors and erasures over random networks, in situations where there is only partial information regarding the underlying network topology, has been interpreted in ... -
An Algorithmic Approach To Some Matrix Equivalence Problems
(2010-06-09)The analysis of similarity of matrices over fields, as well as integral domains which are not fields, is a classical problem in Linear Algebra and has received considerable attention. A related problem is that of simultaneous ... -
Algorithms and Testbed for Synchronous Generator Parameter Estimation
The development of dynamic power system component models became increasingly important in the modern grids dominated by high penetration of renewables because of the increased dependency of planning and operational decisions ... -
Algorithms for Adjusted Load Flow Solutions using the Complementarity Principle
The state of a given power system i.e. voltage magnitudes and angles at all the buses can be computed using the Newton-Raphson Load Flow (NRLF) method when active power and reactive power loads are specified at all the ... -
Algorithms for processing polarization-rich optical imaging data
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-04-13)This work mainly focuses on signal processing issues related to continuous-wave, polarization-based direct imaging schemes. Here, we present a mathematical framework to analyze the performance of the Polarization Difference ... -
Algorithms for Processing RGBD Images and Videos for Depth-Based 3D Video Systems
In recent times, immersive visual media such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), 3DTV and Free Viewpoint Television (FTV) have garnered tremendous interest. Immersive visual media content typically provides ... -
Analysis And Development Of Voltage Stability Assessment Methods
(2011-07-08)Voltage stability is the ability of the power system to maintain steady acceptable voltages at all the buses in a system under normal operating conditions and after being subjected to a disturbance. The increased consumption ... -
Analysis and Enhancement of Stability of Power Systems with Utility-scale Photovoltaic Power Plants
Owing to the negative impact of carbon emissions on environment, power systems are experiencing a paradigm shift in power generation. The fossil fuel-based generators that utilize synchronous machines are increasingly being ... -
Analysis of Local Field Potential and Gamma Rhythm Using Matching Pursuit Algorithm
(2017-11-17)Signals recorded from the brain often show rhythmic patterns at different frequencies, which are tightly coupled to the external stimuli as well as the internal state of the subject. These signals also have transient ... -
Analysis Of Multi-lingual Documents With Complex Layout And Content
(2008-01-17)A document image, beside text, may contain pictures, graphs, signatures, logos, barcodes, hand-drawn sketches and/or seals. Further, the text blocks in an image may be in Manhattan or any complex layout. Document Layout ...