Division of Chemical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 936
Engineered Catalytic Metal—Metal-Oxide Nano-heterostructures for CO Oxidation
Owing to its interesting chemistry and toxic nature, catalytic oxidation of CO is of both fundamental and practical interest. Two applications, viz. CO conversion in the catalytic converters and pre-treatment of CO-rich ... -
Non-covalent interactions in Crystals and Heterocycles of Sulphur and Selenium
Hydrogen bonding plays a very important role in the fields of both chemistry and biology. Conventionally it is represented as D-H---A, where D is the donor atom, A is the acceptor atom and H is the hydrogen atom. It has ... -
Design, Synthesis and Optical Characterization of 1,8-Naphthalimide based D-pi-A System
Design, Synthesis and Optical Characterization of 1,8-Naphthalimide based D-pi-A System Luminescent materials find a lot of application in the field of OLEDs and bio-medical applications [1-2]. Our group has recently ... -
A Study of Dissipative Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor nanoparticles, where carriers are confined in regions smaller than a few tens of nanometers. The physics governing the behavior of these nano structures are fundamentally different from ... -
Sulfoximine and Sulfoxonium Ylide Directed C-H Activation and Domino Cyclization: Construction of Heterocyclic and Carbocyclic Rings
The thesis presents the construction of heterocyclic and carbocyclic rings using rhodium-catalyzed C-H bond activation followed by a tandem cyclization strategy. This involves the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds such ... -
Computational Study of General Relationships in Chemistry: C−C, C−N, and B−B Coupling, B−B Catenation, and 2D Metal Borides
Elements in the periodic table are categorized into four major blocks, main group (MG) elements, transition metals (TM), lanthanides (Ln), and actinides (An), which differ dramatically. Recent studies revealed some interesting ... -
Investigation into the Synthesis, Structure and Dielectric Property of Lead-Free Double Perovskite Structured Materials
Lead based materials have shown to be important materials showing high piezoelectricity, colossal dielectric constant, ferroelectricity along with their good mechanical behaviour and resistance to corrosion. As a result, ... -
New NMR Methods with high resolution and sensitivity for rapid data analysis
work is focused on: (i) Development of new fast and sensitivity enhanced NMR methods in solution state and their application to metabolomics and (ii) development of novel NMR methods in solution state for the rapid resonance ... -
Theoretical Studies of Skewed Spin Ladders and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
This thesis is an effort to understand electronic structure and optical properties of low-dimensional conjugated molecules such as polyatomic aromatic hydrocarbons and nanoribbons composed of perylene monomers in addition ... -
Development of New Synthetic Methodologies for Selenocysteine, Selenopeptides and β-Seleno Amino Acids”
thesis mainly describes the synthesis and characterization of novel selenium-containing amino acids for their potential application in redox reactions. Several β-seleno-α-amino acids have been synthesized and fully ... -
A Study of Synthesis and Optoelectronics of Copper Iron Chalcogenide Nanocrystals
Copper iron chalcogenides constitute a promising class of optoelectronic materials courtesy of their narrow bandgaps and earth abundant constitution. However, they are yet to receive the attention they deserve due to the ... -
Phase Modulated Selective NMR Methods for resolving overlapping spin systems and rapid data acquisition : Application in metabolomics
research work is focused on the development of new fast solution NMR methods for resolving overlapping spin systems and their application to NMR based metabolomics. In this work two new solution NMR pulse sequences are ... -
Spectrally selective tandem absorbers for photothermal conversion in high temperature solar thermal systems
Solar energy is the inexhaustible and abundant energy resources on the earth which can be a best substitute for the fossil fuels. Over the past couple of decades, all the solar technologies are rising very steadily in two ... -
Synthesis and development of multifunctional carbonaceous nanostructures for magnetic, optical and catalytic applications
Owing to the ease of functionalization, low synthesis-cost and polymorphism, carbonaceous nanostructures such as carbon globules, nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene sheets emerged technologically as one of the most important ... -
The Crystal Form Diversity From Cocrystals To Eutectics: Design, Synthesis, Production And Property Evaluation
This thesis aims to design and synthesize organic molecules to generate properties like SHG, ferroelectric and dielectric. In continuation, we have done cocrystallization studies to study the trend in between the two ... -
Photo-responsive Self-assembled Coordination Architectures and Their Applications
Development of nanomaterials that mimic enzyme-like catalytic activities (nanozymes) has drawn special attention in recent time. Nanozymes possess exclusive advantages over natural enzymes like high stability, large-scale ... -
Studies on Layered Ternary Metal Chalcogenides: Electronic devices, Sensors and Electrocatalysis
Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials have gained tremendous interest since the discovery of graphene in 2004 due to their unique physical and chemical properties. They have been used in various research fields ... -
Ru (II)-Catalyzed C−H Activation: Amide-Directed 1,4-Addition of Ortho C−H Bond to Maleimides
Transition metal catalyzed functionalization of C-H bond to C-C bond is advantageous and atom economical. The use of directing groups is intended to overcome the challenges associated with the C-H activation such as low ... -
Optimization of Li Storage in Graphitic Materials through Tuning of Electronic Structures
In the current scenario of global warming, pollution and the very limited resources of fossil fuels, Li ion batteries show great promises to fulfil the energy demand of modern civilization without harming the environment. ... -
Investigation of Weak Molecular Interactions by Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopic Techniques and Theoretical Computations
The work reported in this thesis contains extensive studies carried out to investigate the weak molecular interactions in small organic molecules by utility of multinuclear and multidimensional NMR spectroscopic techniques ...