Integrated optic devices on thin film lithium niobate for few-mode optical communications
Mode division multiplexing is a remarkable strategy to meet the explosively increasing
bandwidth requirements in optical communication systems and interconnects. This scheme
harnesses the orthogonality of modes to scale the transmission capacity in communication
systems. MDM technique necessitates the development of devices that support multimodes
starting from waveguides to modulators and amplifiers, along with mode manipulating devices
like mode multiplexers and mode converters. The primary objective of this thesis is to design
and analyse multimode devices on the emerging lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) platform.
Firstly, horizontal and vertical multimode waveguides are designed in commonly used
configurations of rib, buried and strip on both LNOI and SOI platform to compare the
performance parameters like intermodal group delay, power confinement, and waveguide
cross-sections. Characteristic equations for transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic
(TM) modes are derived for different cuts and optic axis orientations of LN, starting from
Maxwell’s equations. Improved coupled mode theory is applied to derive coupling coefficients
between modes of a dual-mode directional coupler. TE-TM mode coupling resulting from offdiagonal
elements in the permittivity tensor of LN is also evaluated. Then, mode hybridization
phenomenon in both X -cut Y -propagating (birefringent) and Z -propagating (isotropic) LNOI
multimode waveguides is theoretically investigated. Hybridization regions are utilized to
design tapers that convert TM0 to TE1, and TM1 to TE2. A multimode rib waveguide exhibiting
significantly large group velocity dispersions of ∼15000, 22000 and 49000 ps/ at three
different wavelengths, in the regions of mode hybridizations is proposed. Mode division
multiplexers that exhibit ultra high bandwidth of 215 nm and a large fabrication tolerance of
±50 nm is designed on a rib asymmetric directional coupler. Zero birefringence (ZBR) dualmode
waveguides are proposed on X-cut Y-propagating LN with birefringence zero to four
decimal places, utilizing the interplay of intrinsic birefringence of LN and waveguide
birefringence. Minimally birefringent dual-mode waveguides are designed using off-axis
waveguide configuration. Finally, polarization-independent two-mode multiplexers/
demultiplexers are designed and analyzed