Applications of Holography
This thesis consists of four parts. In the first part of the thesis, we investigate the phase
structure of Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar system with a negative cosmological constant. For
the conformally coupled scalar, an intricate phase diagram is charted out between the four
relevant solutions: global AdS, boson star, Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and the hairy
black hole. The nature of the phase diagram undergoes qualitative changes as the charge of
the scalar is changed, which we discuss. We also discuss the new features that arise in the
extremal limit.
In the second part, we do a systematic study of the phases of gravity coupled to an
electromagnetic field and charged scalar in flat space, with box boundary conditions. The
scalar-less box has previously been investigated by Braden, Brown, Whiting and York (and
others) before AdS/CFT and we elaborate and extend their results in a language more
familiar from holography. The phase diagram of the system is analogous to that of AdS
black holes, but we emphasize the differences and explain their origin. Once the scalar
is added, we show that the system admits both boson stars as well as hairy black holes as
solutions, providing yet another way to evade flat space no-hair theorems. Furthermore both
these solutions can exist as stable phases in regions of the phase diagram. The final picture of
the phases that emerges is strikingly similar to that of holographic superconductors in global
AdS, discussed in part one. We also point out previously unnoticed subtleties associated to
the definition quasi-local charges for gravitating scalar fields in finite regions.
In part three, we investigate a class of tensor models which were recently outlined as potentially
calculable examples of holography, as their perturbative large-N behavior is similar
to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, but they are fully quantum mechanical (in the sense
that there is no quenched disorder averaging). We explicitly diagonalize the simplest nontrivial
Gurau-Witten tensor model and study its spectral and late-time properties. We find
parallels to (a single sample of) SYK where some of these features were recently attributed
to random matrix behavior and quantum chaos. In particular, after a running time average,
the spectral form factor exhibits striking qualitative similarities to SYK. But we also observe
that even though the spectrum has a unique ground state, it has a huge (quasi-?)degeneracy
of intermediate energy states, not seen in SYK. If one ignores the delta function due to the
degeneracies however, there is level repulsion in the unfolded spacing distribution hinting
chaos. Furthermore, the spectrum has gaps and is not (linearly) rigid. The system also has
a spectral mirror symmetry which we trace back to the presence of a unitary operator with
which the Hamiltonian anticommutes. We use it to argue that to the extent that the model
exhibits random matrix behavior, it is controlled not by the Dyson ensembles, but by the
BDI (chiral orthogonal) class in the Altland-Zirnbauer classification.
In part four, we construct general asymptotically Klebanov-Strassler solutions of a five
dimensional SU(2) SU(2) Z2 Z2R truncation of IIB supergravity on T1;1, that break
supersymmetry. This generalizes results in the literature for the SU(2) SU(2) Z2 U(1)R
case, to a truncation that is general enough to capture the deformation of the conifold in
the IR. We observe that there are only two SUSY-breaking modes even in this generalized
set up, and by holographically computing Ward identities, we confirm that only one of them
corresponds to spontaneous breaking: this is the mode triggered by smeared anti-D3 branes
at the tip of the warped throat. Along the way, we address some aspects of the holographic
computation of one-point functions of marginal and relevant operators in the cascading gauge
theory. Our results strengthen the evidence that if the KKLT construction is meta-stable, it
is indeed a spontaneously SUSY-broken (and therefore bona fide) vacuum of string theory.