Physics (PHY): Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 469
Laser Beam Induced Conductance Modulations as a Potential Microprobe in the Investigation of Defects and Inhomogeneities in Bulk Si and PbS, HgCdTe Quantum Dot Heterostructures
(2018-05-18)In this thesis, the strength of the LBIC system is enhanced in different aspects that includes its feasibility as a non-destructive characterization tool, the signal analysis and development of analytical solution to have ... -
Understanding DNA-Based Nanostructures using Molecular Simulation
(2018-05-14)Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is arguably the most studied and most important biological molecule. Recently, it has also been established as a potential candidate for nanoconstruction. Self-assembly of DNA molecules has ... -
Electric, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Studies of Magnetoelectric GdMnO3 and Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 Single Crystals
(2018-05-10)After the prediction of magnetoelectric effect in Cr2O3, in early 1960's, D. Asrov became the first to experimentally verify this phenomenon. After the pioneering work on magnetoelectric materials in 1960's and 1970's, the ... -
Nanodevices of Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes and Flow Behaviour of Graphene Oxide Gel
(2018-05-09)In the last three decades carbon nanomaterials such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene have attracted significant attention from the scientific community due to their unique electronic, optical, thermal, mechanical ... -
Precision Measurements of the Radio Background at Long Wavelengths
(2018-05-09)The study of continuum sky background spectrum at low radio frequencies has achieved specific importance in present day observational cosmology . At these low frequencies the sky continuum is contributed by the extragalactic ... -
Magnetic Ordering in Bulk and Nanoparticles of Certain Bismuth Based Manganites Bi1-xAxMnO3 (A = Ca, Sr) : Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Magnetization Studies
(2018-05-07)The study of bulk and nanoparticles of perovskite rare earth manganites has been an extensive area of research in the recent past due to their rich and interesting physics and potential applications [1-5]. Manganites have ... -
Structure and Dynamics of Binary Mixtures of Soft Nanocolloids and Polymers
(2018-04-24)Binary mixtures of polymers and soft nanocolloids, also called as polymer nanocomposites are well known and studied for their enormous potentials on various technological fronts. In this thesis blends of polystyrene grafted ... -
Tomographic Studies of Pulsar Radio Emission Cones and Searches for Radio Counterparts of Gamma-Ray Pulsars
(2018-04-18)Radio emission from pulsars is believed to originate from charged particles streaming along the open magnetic field lines, radiating within a narrow cone at each of the two magnetic poles. In each rotation of the star, the ... -
Spiral-Wave Dynamics in Ionically Realistic Mathematical Models for Human Ventricular Tissue
(2018-04-18)There is a growing consensus that life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias like ven- tricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF) arise because of the formation of spiral waves of electrical activation in cardiac ... -
Evolution of the Magnetic Ground States with Lattice Distortion and Chemical Inhomogeneity in Doped Perovskite Oxides
(2018-04-18)The physics of doped transition metal perovskite has been an area of intense research in the last few decades due to their interesting magnetic and transport properties. Various exciting phenomena such as, colossal magneto ... -
Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Molecular Membranes
(2018-04-16)This thesis describes the study on structure and dynamics of various kinds of molecular membranes in general. We have studied the morphological transition of colloidal as well as biologically relevant membranes and ... -
Preparation and Optical Properties of Hybrid Assemblies of Metallic Gold Nanoparticles and Semi-Conducting CdSe Quantum Dots
(2018-04-16)This thesis summarizes the methods of preparation and optical properties of hybrid assemblies of Au NPs and cadmium selenide (CdSe) QDs. First chap-ter deals with the literature survey and theoretical aspects of plasmonics ... -
High Magnetic Field Neutron Stars : Cyclotron Lines and Polarization
(2018-04-16)This thesis concerns with the study of X-ray binaries which are gravitationally bound systems consisting of a compact object (either a neutron star or a black hole) and usually a non degenerate companion star, both rotating ... -
Magnetic and Magnetotransport Studies in Transition Metal Oxides : Role of Competing Interactions
(2018-04-12)There was a fame time for silicon in condensed matter physics, then the graphene era came and now topological insulators are gaining lot of attention, but magnetism in condensed matter physics has remained always fascinating ... -
Investigations of Phase Change Memory Properties of Selenium Doped GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5
(2018-04-05)GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 alloys are potential candidates for non-volatile phase change random access memories (PCRAM). For electrical data storage applications the materials should have stable amorphous and crystalline phases, ... -
Pulsed Laser Ablated Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors and Metalic Spin Valves
(2018-04-02)Spintronics (spin based electronics) is a relatively new topic of research which is important both from the fundamental and technological point of view. In conventional electronics charge of the electron is manipulated and ... -
Electron Filed Emission Studies of Nanostructured Carbon Materials
(2018-03-08)Field emission is the emission of electrons from a solid under an intense electric field, of the order of 109 V/m. Emission occurs by the quantum mechanical tunneling of electrons through a potential barrier to vacuum. ... -
Role of Excess Fe in Pristine and Substituted Fe Chalcogenide Superconductors
(2018-03-02)Fe chalcogenides : The discovery of superconductivity in Fe based compounds trig- gered an intense research activity in this field with significant importance given to material synthesis. As a result, numerous materials ... -
Development of a Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Diffraction System and Investigation on Spin-Orbit and Exchange Interactions on Ir(100) and Ultrathin Fe(100) Grown on Ir(100)
(2018-02-28)Spin-polarized electron beam has not yet been produced from an unpolarized electron beam using Stern-Gerlach type spin filter, because of the Lorentz force and Heisenberg uncertainty principle. At present, electron spin ... -
The Many Facets of Variabilities in X-ray Binaries
(2018-02-28)More than half a decade of X-ray astronomy with various balloon borne and space orbiting X-ray instruments, have led to discoveries and detailed studies of X-ray binaries. An important property of X-ray binaries is intensity ...