Physics (PHY): Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 469
Excursions in ill condensed quantum matter from amorphous topological insulators to fractional spins
Condensed matter physics is a fascinating subject where collective properties of many particle systems show exotic emergent phenomena, practically unpredictable from the behavior of individual constituents. Many basic ... -
Ultrafast Photoexcited Carrier Dynamics in Low Dimensional Systems Probed by Time Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy
The key aspect of this thesis is to understand the photoinduced carrier dynamics in low dimensional systems by employing time resolved optical pump-terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy. Ultrafast pulsed laser (Ti: Sapphire ... -
Edge States and Effects of Disorder in Finite Graphene Sheets
The thesis endeavours to theoretically understand electronic properties of nite trapezoidal shaped graphene sheets, and understand zero energy edge states. The motivation for this thesis is recent experimental work at Low ... -
Multiple Stable States and Abrupt Transitions in Spatial Ecosystems
Ecosystems can exhibit multiple stable states at similar external conditions. Such systems shift from one stable state to another abruptly and discontinuously, when they cross certain threshold parameters. Some examples ... -
Magnetic, Electrical and Structural Properties of Doped Manganite, Ferrite and Nickelate Perovskites
Multifunctional materials with novel magnetic and electric properties have attracted intense research interest due to prospects in technological applications as well as understanding of fundamental physics. Perovskite ... -
Optoelectronic Properties of Graphene Based Van-der-Waals Hybrids
Light matter interactions in atomically thin van der Waals materials have attracted significant attention in recent day [1–6]. Although the thickness does not exceed few nano-meters, such an atomically thin materials alone ... -
Nonlinear Charge Transport and Photo-Physical Studies in Conjugated Polymers (P3meT, P3HT) and their Hybrid Composites with Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots
Organic semiconductors have been investigated as an emerging class of materials for their viable applications in electronics. Despite considerable improvement in device properties, a better understanding of the nature of ... -
Fully Solution Processed Flash Memory
The field of advanced solution processed spin-coated electronics has rapidly expanded over the last few decades towards the development of low-cost, large area and low power consumer electronics for the design of ... -
Solid State NMR- Development of Methods and Applications to the Study of Materials
In this chapter the application of solid state NMR techniques for the investigation of biodegradable polymers which have wide range of applications in various fields have been presented. Among many polymer systems poly ... -
Crystal Structure Analysis of a (B/a)8-TIM Barrel Enzyme and Its Mutants : Insights into the Role of Interactions Between Termini in Influencing Protein Stability. Experimental and Computational Study of Protein-Surface-Pockets Occluded by Tryptophan Side-Chains
Xylanases (EC are glycosyl hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolysis of internal β-1,4 glycosidic bonds of xylan backbones, and have potential economical and environment friendly applications in the paper pulp, food, ... -
Electrical Spin Injection and Detection Using Oxide Magnetic Material Fe3O4
Since the proposal of Datta-Das transistor, area of spin injection and detection is in the spotlight for the last decade. Intense research in this field has successfully tackled many issues like conductivity mismatch. Use ... -
Study of Dynamics, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticle-polymer Blend
We studied dispersion state and dynamics of polymer grafted nanoparticle in photopolymer matrix nanoparticle-polymer blend- and their thermal and rheological properties. While thinking about a nanoparticle-polymer blend, ... -
Crystal Structures of Native and AdoMet Bound rRNA Methyltransferase from Sinorhizobium meliloti : Structural Insights into rRNA Recognition. Evolutionary, Structural and Functional Studies on Nucleoid-Associated Proteins HU and IHF
DNA- and RNA-binding proteins play a central role in gene regulation, which includes transcriptional control, alternative splicing, post-translational and transcriptional modifications like methylation and acetylation among ... -
Studies of X-Ray Transients and a Future X-Ray Sky Monitor
For this thesis we studied X-ray transients. In addition we also studied some methods to study these transients, both observationally and in terms of the instrument used. The first transient studied is a black hole binary ... -
Dendrimer Interactions with Cell Membrane and Pore Forming Toxins
Dendrimers are hyper-branched polymeric nanoparticles with a central core molecule connected by successive dendritic branching layers. The structure controlled parameters of den-drimers such as size, shape, surface chemistry, ... -
Studies of "clean" and "disordered" Bilayer Optical Lattice Systems Circumventing the 'fermionic Cooling-problem'
(2018-09-04)The advancement in the eld of cold-atoms has generated a lot of interest in the condensed matter community. Cold-atom experiments can simulate clean, disor-der/impurity free systems very easily. In these systems, we have ... -
Dynamical Imprint of Dark Matter Halo and Interstellar Gas on Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies
(2018-08-29)The topic of this thesis deals with the spiral structure in disk galaxies with a specific aim of probing the influence of the dark matter halo and the interstellar gas on the origin and longevity of the spiral arms in ... -
Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Viscosity of Polymer Nanocomposites
(2018-08-29)One of the important dynamic parameter characterizing the properties of polymer nanocomposite is viscosity. It is a quantity of interest on macroscopic scale also. A thorough study of viscosity in case of polymer nanocomposite ... -
Planar Hall Effect : Detection of Ultra Low Magnetic Fields and a Study of Stochasticity in Magnetization Reversal
(2018-08-09)In the present thesis, we have explored multiple aspects concerning the stochasticity of magnetic domain wall motion during magnetization reversal, all of which originated from our initial study of magnetic field sensing ... -
Electrical Transport in Si:P and Ge:P δ-doped Systems
(2018-07-30)Doped semiconductor systems have for decades provided an excellent platform to study novel concepts in solid state physics such as quantum hall effect, metal-to-insulator transition (MIT), weak localization and many body ...